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Saw a Berlingo/Partner today with headlight and tail light guards.
Looked very smart (and probably functional)
Were they standard fit to a particular model, or an option.
Anybody got them fitted?
Picture, perhaps?:thumbsup:
After a little reasearch have answered part of my own question...
Partner Escapade had them fitted as standard.
Still like to find some aftermarket ones (Peugeot ones are a fortune.)
And yes, I have read the previous posts from 12 months ago.
hi there you say the peugeot ones are a fortune, are they available from dealers reason i ask is my father in law has the partner escapade with them on and i want some but his front ones seem to be riveted on to the wing and i wouldnt want to do that on my car unless you know of any other way or if anyone else has more info it would be gretly appreciated

many thanks