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Full Version: Clutch cable fitting? 1999 1.9D MS
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I swapped the 1.9d diesel engine from a 2001 crashed berlingo into a 1999 car. I have it almost figured out. I have used clutch cables with all the parts on both cars but I cant get the cable end metal slug pulled over the clutch arm in the motor recipient car. I don't see any adjustment mechanism in the cable and the pedal end is so hard to reach/see I can't pull the cable in place from that side either.

Do I need a longer/ new cable or am I just missing something. Is there some sort of auto-adjust or how the cable is fitted properly?

Thanks in advance my first berlingo and 2nd post.
Ok I figured it out. First attach both ends and then push the middle plastic part into the slot on top of the gearbox towards the cabin. The spring inside the cable cover was stuck so I had to take the entire cable out and really pull to get the tightening mechanism loose. Piece of cake after that.
