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Full Version: Citroen Berlingo Multispace wiper motor
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i trying to fix my uncle wiper blade problem. I have got a motor out citroen berlingo multispace (i can't remember the exact age maybe 2003 or younger) but the plug is different to one in his car. I got it from a scrapyard and sold as seen like. I do not want to go all back to the scrapyard to find out what was going on the wires.

I am guessing this motor i have got is out of berlingo van and they just swapped the plug over i did not spend enough time checking , it was nightmare to get out anyway , scrapyard had to cut the bonnet off cos it been attacked with a crowbar.

any ideas what colour wires from multispace goes too on a berlingo van wiper motor?
lucky enough i cut the wireless and kept the plug from berlingo at the scrapyard.

the plug very differnt. no colours match.

do not want to spend anymore money on getting another wiper motor if i can help it.

Why are the multispace so few on the ground , i phoned 20 scrapyards up local to find this one.

The actually motor is valeo 47 1303 12v 4311 96 442 10 780
471.353 12 v ming2 535 57 002 03487 26-07-2001 made in france.

4 wires

green yellow