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Screenwash or no screenwash
I've run out of windscreen washer in my car, and was advised previously by a garage to not put screenwash in it (this was when I had my earlier berlingo).

I assume it should be water and screenwash really?  It just seems daft to me to just have water in it.
Now an ex Berlingo owner, I have a C4
2010 (B9) Berlingo Multispace XTR HDi 112 - Kyanos Blue
Previously - 2002 (M49) Berlingo Multispace 2.0 HDi Diesel - Arctic Steel
You are fine to put neat screen was in over the winter period, still surprises me what some mechanics say you should do lol
Neat screenwash used to stain the paintwork , don't think it will affect the modern paint. Also a waste of cash as if diluted according to the instructions will last longer, will still do the job and not freeze.
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During the summer months I put washing up liquid in as well, but cold months cry out for an antifreeze solution in my mind.

2012 Iron Grey XTR 110 with lots of bits and bobs.
I thought washing up liquid was a big no no with cars as, if it gets on the paintwork, the chemicals in washing up liquid damage the paint?
2014 Berlingo Multispace 1.6 e-Hdi XTR ETG6
(25-01-2015, 12:11 AM)jayjay2cv Wrote:  I thought washing up liquid was a big no no with cars as, if it gets on the paintwork, the chemicals in washing up liquid damage the paint?

The detergent in washing up liquid will certainly remove any car wax you have put on the paintwork. I use a one third screenwash to two thirds water mix in Winter, and have never had any problems with it freezing. Mind you, as I can drive around 400 miles a day in my work, I'm usually parking up each night with a hot engine to keep the washer bottle ice free! I use so much screenwash at this time of year, that I carry a 2.5 litre bottle of the mix to top up with, during my working day. BTW, don't waste money on windscreen de-icer sprays, just get a bucket of cold water from the kitchen tap, and splash it all over your windscreen and mirrors with a small jug. As Doofer says, warm water is OK, but NEVER use boiling water, or you will probably crack your windscreen.
(25-01-2015, 12:11 AM)jayjay2cv Wrote:  I thought washing up liquid was a big no no with cars as, if it gets on the paintwork, the chemicals in washing up liquid damage the paint?

Maybe if you caked your car in it it would....

The miniscule amount you would put in your washer bottle will do absolutely no harm whatsoever to your car's paint work. You will of course get those who say the salt will damage the paint. To them, i can only point out there's rather more chemicals, salt and other crap all over that the roads in winter whixh your car will be caked in than there is in 10ml of washing up liquid diluted with 3 or 4 litres of clean water.

I use neat screen wash in winter, but when I do the warm water thing to defrost the car in winter, I use a 2 litre milk container filled with hand hot water from the tap and a squirt of fairy liquid in it to help stop it refreezing. I start the car, put the wipers on, and pour it over the screen. I can only say that in more than 20 years doing this, none of my cars have lost the paintwork nor have I cracked any windscreens.

Sent from cold, windy place.
2004 Multispace Desire HDi - "Bertie"
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  • jayjay2cv
Thanks gents for the answers. I'll have to get some screenwash.

I don't use de-icer or water, I just scrape the windscreen, I gave up with de-icer as it would always make things better then worse.
Now an ex Berlingo owner, I have a C4
2010 (B9) Berlingo Multispace XTR HDi 112 - Kyanos Blue
Previously - 2002 (M49) Berlingo Multispace 2.0 HDi Diesel - Arctic Steel
I use a screen wash from Sonax in winter and dilute it to a freeze point of -25 to -30.  Never tried a washing up liquid but would think that could lead to a lot of suds on the windscreen if concentration was too high.  Might be interesting though for running the washer if someone is following too close behind.  Bury them in suds like foaming a runway  Big Grin
2010 Berlingo Multispace HDi 110 with FAP.  Persamos green.

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to 3rensho for this post:
  • Mike
I use Lidl's pre-mixed (5litre) screen wash and it works well, I have been known to add a small amount
of dishwasher rinse aid to the mix! I also use Rainex on the screen and side windows.
I do like a spotless screen!
The Older I get the Better I Was!  Cool

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