So today I got hold of a 08 berlingo 1.6 hdi 75ps with 120k km on it. I bought it cheap because it needs a new rear axle.
I didn't think to check the oil so I set off on my way home. Half way home I noticed the STOP light blinking briefly while I cornered.
I stopped at a gas station and bought a liter of oil. To my surprise I had to add the full liter before it was at the minimum mark!!
After adding oil the engine is quiet at idle, it had a little tapping before.
The service indicator says 500km left so I know it has been way to long for my liking. But anyway, should it really burn 1.5 liters of oil in one interval?
And should I expect any permanent damage done to the engine? It seems fine now, but I don't know..
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I didn't think to check the oil so I set off on my way home. Half way home I noticed the STOP light blinking briefly while I cornered.
I stopped at a gas station and bought a liter of oil. To my surprise I had to add the full liter before it was at the minimum mark!!
After adding oil the engine is quiet at idle, it had a little tapping before.
The service indicator says 500km left so I know it has been way to long for my liking. But anyway, should it really burn 1.5 liters of oil in one interval?
And should I expect any permanent damage done to the engine? It seems fine now, but I don't know..
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