20-02-2017, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 18-04-2017, 11:11 AM by Lingo_Berlo.)
Thought I should post a journey with my '14 Multispace HDi 100 ETG6.
Lingo Berlo's Multispace HDi100 ETG6 in it's daily element.
Since Berlingo isn't really a "car-fanatics" car (and the real reason I bought it - it's probably the most honest car in the World! No real bling needed), I will not try to mod it to some slav thug- or brit chav mobile that are just for visual, but keep it minimally elegant from the out and make it more intellingent from the inside. No dramas, since I like and highly rate subtle things in life, that actually keep you going... My aim is to make it a more functional roamer, per se. While keeping it real.
21-02-2017, 08:11 AM (This post was last modified: 18-04-2017, 11:12 AM by Lingo_Berlo.)
First thing first, the main reason I bought a Berlingo:
It fits perfectly, doesn't even need supporting. I now can drag my trials bike to interesting tracks and places to hone riding skills.
And use the car also as a daily commuter, home-work-home, repeat every bloody workday. Hence a proper diesel and a proper ETG6 works as the best combo for me.
21-02-2017, 09:05 AM (This post was last modified: 18-04-2017, 11:24 AM by Lingo_Berlo.)
Living in a cold climate the obvious first modification: a proper preheater!
It's an Autoterm Binar 5S. Not a well known brand compared to Webasto or Eberspächer. So I though I give it a chance.
Control panel is very simple. You could get an additional SIM-card controller and use phone app to control it, but I don't need this. The three simple timers in the supplied control panel do the trick in practice just nicely for me.
Problems after installation by authorized dealer: it smoked, smoked badly! Also the car gave engine fault. I don't have an ODB reader, but guessing something about the loss of pressure in the fuel system.
Called the dealer and turned out they've connected the pump wrong, it pumped too much diesel into the heater. So they fixed it. It's a great system so far, heats superfast and easy to use.
It works now flawlessly, but after couple of days of use the engine fault is still there. Got to call them again I guess.
21-02-2017, 02:48 PM (This post was last modified: 18-04-2017, 11:14 AM by Lingo_Berlo.)
And now the biggest modification: soundproofing. I find Berlingo really lacks in this department, as most modern cars that are made cheap. It'll be a lot of work, but you got to start from somewhere...
Rear door soundproofed.
Rear door plastic side silent-coated.
The hood. The textile side was covered with Silent Coat that attched to most of the hood (no pic from that).
22-02-2017, 08:06 AM (This post was last modified: 18-04-2017, 11:17 AM by Lingo_Berlo.)
Front arcs - very little room to work there, but doing my best in clinical cuts.
And the plastic side Silent-Coated, while the fixing clamps are exposed. That's the best you can do here.
Starting to work on the floor. Man, needs so many clinical cuts to fill up the cable spaces and awkward shapes. But slowly getting there...
And the front part of the floor. The exhaust tunnel I also soundproofed, since the OEM cover was hard to get off I just put the pieces inbetween. Ditto the front firewall, I soundproofed all the way up to the panels as much as I could get my hands between the rubber mattress on the front firewall. In the front firewall I also used the double thickness (+ the original cover) since it's the noisiest part: engine and front wheels.