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1.6 HDi water or humidity in oil?
Had my 2015 HDi just serviced and it stopped on the road, it was after the 50 Kkm service. Two times I had to order a tow truck in fact, just a day after the regular service.

In the morning on the way to work it stopped - loss of power, doesn't start again and STOP sign on dash. With diesel driping below the engine so it's was broken down obviously. The dealer said they've "seen this before" on HDis and it's because the fuel filter connection is some plastic pipe that melts with diesel. 


They fixed this with some temporary pipe and the original part will come a week after (why they claim it's "a regular fault" if they don't stock this  small and cheap part makes me ask?)

After that fix some 20 kilometers later it broke down again on the way home. The engine just stopped, but this time there was no STOP sign, but it did not start again what ever I did. Interesting was that the engine cooling fan kept running despite the temperature was a normal 90C on dash and when the ignition was off. Just in case I looked the engine oil - there were water drops coming out immediatly after I opened the oil level wire cap. Also water drops below the oil filler cap. 

Can this be a lot of condensation in oil or there's a coolant leaking into the oil somewhere? Also has anyone had this fan-running fault before while the engine temperature is normal? 

I needed a tow truck again of course since it didn't start. I've never seen this before on any of my cars or motorcycles I serviced myself (water drops in oil), albeit the oil is not emulsion state yet ("coffee with milk" color) so the coolant leak must be small? Or the dealer mistakingly put the coolant into the oil during service?

Wish I could service this car my own with good care but since it's under warranty the service must be done via my Citroen dealer that so far seems to be very amateurish and ignorant, despite being an official Citroen dealer.

Let's see what excuse my dealer comes out this time with today. The stranges thing is I brought them a fully working car just for the regular service and every time they lay their hands on it they make it brake down shortly after and finding their excuses or make me waiting for parts that is supposedly a "common fault" on Berlingo.

Any hints highly apreciated if anyone had something similar with their 1.6 HDi Berlingos.
Water in the oil can be leaking head gasket as you say. One also has to hope your garage has been using the correct fully synthetic oil specified for engine. Total Quartz ineo ecs or equivalent. Or possibly with your diesel fault the diesel has somehow got in & contaminated the oil? It might be a good idea once fuel system has been fixed properly to have an oil & filter change. I've never heard of diesel pipe melting. If it was just after a service it sounds as if your garage has accidentally damaged pipe during servicing. If you are unhappy with the competence of your Citroen dealer workshop then perhaps it might be worth contacting The Citroen head office for your country?
The thing is, the Citroen country headquarters are the very same company they have a branch in my home town that serviced my car. So it's like blaming them directly. I can do that, but not sure how much it helps to improve their working standards. Not sure if Citroen international would take notice of that? I guess this may get their attention instead.

The sticker is they've used Total Quartz on the motor, but I guess they can always lie to me if they want to service with a cheaper oil instead.

These consumerist days the function of a dealership seems to be just to rip off the clients as much as they can. I remember suspecting my Ford dealer not taking proper care during routine services so one time I was making a marking an oil filter on our company Ford Transit van, guess what, after the full service it came back with the same scratchmarked oil filter I purposefully made. Marked as "full service" (all liquids and filters) on the bill, LOL. I made a big scandal after that with them personally so they did the job properly from there on, but who knows they may still cheat and rip off the unsuspecting clients knowing very little of the mechanics.

I wouldn't be surprised if also my Citroen dealer does the same cheating ripoff capitalist schematic in their business. I guess these days you need to mount hidden cameras under the hood to be sure service is done fully and with the correct OEM parts.

Anyways, I still count in a "human error" factor on a repeated failure, making a proper apology would be a good start from their side, but they haven't even properly explained themselves and look to me as "why did you serviced it anyways when it ran perfectly", like I'm living in a third world country or something.
Good luck with it Lingo. From what you describe it does seem certain that diesel pipe was damaged during service so responsibility for your breakdown & inconvenience is completely with your Citroen garage. They need to admit this & if oil has been contaminated with diesel they need to do another change of oil & filter free of charge.

Your story sounds exactly like we had in the UK years ago but thankfully standards at most UK garages have improved now.

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