21-03-2017, 05:25 PM
After I finish the carpeting the plywood in the rear payload of my van I will be wanting a small rack...I've worked out that its going to be along the left hand side (looking inward from the rear doors). and aft of the sliding door...That way I wont be encroaching on the lighting and the socket which resides on the right and also I have the larger of the two door for access.........I want to install this to carry all my car detailing paraphernalia as it will be more handy for me and also to stop my Son from pinching it
Has any one ever built a nice tidy DIY rack for their van..If so post some pics I'm searching for ideas to incorporate. Also what else you wish you'd installed and what mistakes you think you made
Thanks in advance for your replies, I'm looking forward to a few...

Has any one ever built a nice tidy DIY rack for their van..If so post some pics I'm searching for ideas to incorporate. Also what else you wish you'd installed and what mistakes you think you made
Thanks in advance for your replies, I'm looking forward to a few...
“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.”