(15-05-2017, 07:59 PM)BERLINGO_CHRIS Wrote: Enjoy Ian, have a beer for me (mui frio please) - I didn't know all the Berlingo's are classed as commercials in Spain totally opposite to my local tip as mine has windows and gets in as a car! My mate's van is persona non gratis LOL
The problem in Spain, is the ITV (MOT). If you technical card put 2 or 3 seats in your
Comercial Van, you can not modificate geting more seats.
I saw in UK, same comercial Berlingo / Partner and another Van with seat without windows in the rear doors.
This in Spain is imposiible to see. If you have seats, you have windows in rear part.
If the Trafic Police, (Guardia Civil de Trafico) stop you, and see the rear seats ask you for the MOT,techical modification
If you have MOT with 2 seat and the they saw 5 seats you have the ticket in cash at tbe moment.. (because the car have the UK registration).