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A couple questions
Allthough they may be answered allready, I read every thread in the solved section without finding what I needed. 

My 1.9d seems to run hot, it goes pretty quick to 95 degrees when driving allong at 74 mph (3100 rpm generally), and it tends to even get up to 100 degrees. driving above 3200 rpm gets things even hotter and I never do this unless its needed (Like when some nutshell wont let you pull onto the highway Angry )

The engine bay revealed two things:

[Image: jg4ghw.jpg]

[Image: wr5o1.jpg]

Worlds most sorry looking radiator and some sort of broken airpipe. The rad doesnt leak or anything and if it was clogged then it would make then engine overheat, right? Then that pipe, I would think it now should only get more air. The box it is attatched to however is a bit loose so I dont know what else may have rattled loose. Is this engine known for running hot? 

Second issue is best described as "french electronics", The speedo died on me once (hard knock on the dash fixed it), sometimes the eco mode kicks in after only 3 minutes or so, the oil level indicator randomly dies (It sometimes only gives those blinking lines, turning the key a couple times fixes it), the signalling leaver is worn, if i signal right, the leaver comes back and straight goes into signaling left and the airbag light is on. Not sure what the issue is, under the driver seat is a odd plastic plate with a a wire and a loose connecter wich doesnt seem to have anything to connect to.

[Image: 2quhr13.jpg]

And last question is about the dashboard. Pretty much every bulb died on it. I replaced the centre display bulbs, thats working great again. But what is the best way to replace the bulbs behind the heater console? I saw two option, remove the entire dash or some magic with a mirror and some pliers from the radio hole

Sorry if I asked anything stupid, or explained it in a bad way.
2007 Peugeot Partner Zenith RIP Sad
2010 Seat Ibiza ST 
I would have flushed the radiator and possibly the engine also. Just disconnect hoses and use a garden hose...

If it's possible I'd have tried to straighten out the ribs on the radiator(there's a 'rake' tool available on eBay for this kind of work)
Also, check the fan...
Does it work at all?
The thermostat may be failing...

Is this a car with or without AC?

The 1.9 really doesn't like high speeds, mostly because it takes it so long to get to them...

The connector under te seat is probably for the seatbelt tensioner.
If that is disconnected it will cause the airbag light to stay on.
(This is a very, very common issue on the Berlingo; that this connector fails somehow.)
You may have to dig around to find the other end...

Trust your senses...
Use the mirror, Luke...

Removing the entire dash is an operation that makes veteran mechanics wake up screaming at night...
(17-05-2017, 05:40 PM)Gadgetman Wrote:  I would have flushed the radiator and possibly the engine also. Just disconnect hoses and use a garden hose...

If it's possible I'd have tried to straighten out the ribs on the radiator(there's a 'rake' tool available on eBay for this kind of work)
Also, check the fan...
Does it work at all?
The thermostat may be failing...

Is this a car with or without AC?

The 1.9 really doesn't like high speeds, mostly because it takes it so long to get to them...

The connector under te seat is probably for the seatbelt tensioner.
If that is disconnected it will cause the airbag light to stay on.
(This is a very, very common issue on the Berlingo; that this connector fails somehow.)
You may have to dig around to find the other end...

Trust your senses...
Use the mirror, Luke...

Removing the entire dash is an operation that makes veteran mechanics wake up screaming at night...

The car doesnt have a/c. If im correct the blower has a separated fan so I dont think i saw the rad fan ever work. A brand new rad would set me back 30 euro so maybe thats also a good option?

You know what that loose pipe is used for?

I will have a good look for a loose cable then, the plastic bit where the cable's should attach to was loose so maybe it did indeed get a knock. Can I just pop that thing back in if I find it? Or do I need to disconnect the battery (I dont fancy setting off the airbag)

I dont want to take the dash apart too but I have more nightmares about dropping my pliers into the dash while working  Blush


Took me three hours and a lot of swearing but I managed to replace the bulbs. Allthough the garage I got the new bulbs from said it were the same, the console does seem to get a bit hot. Just came home from a three hour ride and nothing seemed off so I assume everything is fine.

I also discovererd that the engine runs 10 degrees cooler sinds I taped that pipe back together.

And I removed the carpet but there is no extra wire or anything to connect that loose plug to.
2007 Peugeot Partner Zenith RIP Sad
2010 Seat Ibiza ST 
That loose wire looks like earth connection to something.
I would suggest to change the coolant too. It should be done every 3 years so maybe it is time for that.
If I remember correctly, there is an earth for the horn just under the steering wheel. Sometimes that can be rusty.
If you push the horn and comes on with ingintion off, then you have earth problem.
Also I would check all earth connection just for a piece of mind.

A thermostat is not that expensive and if you change the coolant it is good practice to change at the same time. Two bolts hold it, so not a rocket science Smile
Mine had a temperature sensor failure too. I was driving around 90C and then suddenly up to the top, maximum, stop sign blinking and fan goes off. Disconnected fan connector and the first connector on ecu, reseted the thing, everything back to normal.
(19-05-2017, 01:10 PM)Tpeti Wrote:  That loose wire looks like earth connection to something.
I would suggest to change the coolant too. It should be done every 3 years so maybe it is time for that.
If I remember correctly, there is an earth for the horn just under the steering wheel. Sometimes that can be rusty.
If you push the horn and comes on with ingintion off, then you have earth problem.
Also I would check all earth connection just for a piece of mind.

A thermostat is not that expensive and if you change the coolant it is good practice to change at the same time. Two bolts hold it, so not a rocket science Smile
Mine had a temperature sensor failure too. I was driving around 90C and then suddenly up to the top, maximum, stop sign blinking and fan goes off. Disconnected fan connector and the first connector on ecu, reseted the thing, everything back to normal.

At the risk of sounding stupid, what are those earthpoints for? I removed the carpet and I havent seen anything to plug that wire into.

I actually never tested the horn anyways, will make sure to test that soon.

The car has had a full service in december, including a new timingbelt. I assume they did the coolant too but I have no detail of it. The car is due for a service in 1200 km, as I am not too sure about myself changing parts I will ask them to change the coolant and check the fan and thermostat.


Was that question really that stupid, that nobody replied? Smile

Anyways: the horn doesnt work when the ignition is off.
2007 Peugeot Partner Zenith RIP Sad
2010 Seat Ibiza ST 
Lol, when the car was at the garage getting new tires and a service they found why I assumed the engine runs too hot. The scaling on the dash is 10 degrees off.

And a small rectification: The horn does work when the key is out. I did found some long weird yellow cables behind the radio. They are connected to nothing, look a newer then all other wires in the dash and they do not belong to the radio.

Aaand a new minor bug on the list. The windscreen washer gets sprayed everywhere apart from the screen
2007 Peugeot Partner Zenith RIP Sad
2010 Seat Ibiza ST 
Still nobody who can help?

Oh and I do think something is off. the windscreen wipers do work when the key is out (well they stop when i stop the engine but I can reengage them)
2007 Peugeot Partner Zenith RIP Sad
2010 Seat Ibiza ST 

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