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1.6HDi Multiple turbo failures - Where to go from here?
I bought a 2009 Berlingo Multispace XTR 1.6HDi last year on 38k miles. It hadn't missed any services and as far as I can tell it had been well maintained (I am far from an expert). I had 15k problem free miles but then in May, it suffered the dreaded turbo failure (after the warranty from the dealer had expired).

The garage fitted a recon turbo having followed the  instructions from Citroen that are in the second post from the link below and the car has been kept topped up with the correct oil. The garage warned me in advance that none of their suppliers were able to offer a guarantee on a new/recon turbo due to the known issues with this engine. We agreed that in future, I would get the oil changed every 6k miles rather than Citroen's suggested 10k/12k in the hope that this would prevent future problems.

Things seemed to be going OK for nearly 6k miles, however, yesterday, the new turbo went.

If we replace the turbo again, it is going to cost a lot of money and will presumably just go again in another few thousand miles. The other options the garage have mentioned is taking the whole engine out and looking to clean absolutely everything or replacing the whole engine but they were clearly advising against these options as they would take a long time, would cost a fortune and if they miss one part, there is no guarantee that the next turbo won't still go given that we don't know which part(s) is actually the cause of the problem. The car has only done 59k miles so it seems crazy to give up on it completely but so far it seems that all of the options are a) expensive and b) cannot remove the risk of the turbo going anyway.

I have read up as much as I can on the issue but sadly, most of the sources I can find are based on avoiding the problem happening in the first place, I've struggled to find anything that offers a reliable solution once the problem has already happened.

Is anyone able to offer any advice on how to proceed from here? I am based near Milton Keynes if anyone knows of a specialist in the area who might have more success in preventing the next turbo going. Is there any way of solving the problem from here without spending more than the car is worth? Is getting it fixed just going to be throwing good money after bad? Obviously nobody would buy it with a dead turbo and trying to sell it straight after putting in a new turbo would seem dishonest.

I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Did they remove the filter from the turbo feed pipe?
This is essential & I didn't see it mentioned in the link you attached.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Lighty for this post:
  • fredericksburg
As mark said it is paramount that the filter from the bango bolt was removed? Was it a cheap Chinese recon turbo?
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to V6BOY for this post:
  • fredericksburg
I cant help with your problem but for an independent citroen garage not far from you try these. I have no connection with them just I used them a few years back and have spoken to others that use them and they are a decent bunch.
Are we there yet????? Huh
Ex 1.6hdi van now 3 seater 1.4 multispace
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Tomcat3 for this post:
  • fredericksburg
Again as Mark says but to be fair if the job was done correctly the turb shouldnt blow again, the only time i have known of a turbo going again is if the filters were not removed and the other work stated was not done correctly. The problem is the work that is required is very time consuming to the point where some garages will not take the job on and would rather fit a recon engine.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to polar for this post:
  • fredericksburg
(01-08-2017, 06:06 PM)Tomcat3 Wrote:  I cant help with your problem but for an independent citroen garage not far from you try these. I have no connection with them just I used them a few years back and have spoken to others that use them and they are a decent bunch.

Rob Moss (owner of Chevronics) is a friend of mine & he is a conscientious guy .
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm not certain on whether the filter was removed, I'll try and find out. I'm also not certain on the origin of the replacement turbo. I remember us discussing various options but I'm not sure where the turbo came from in the end.

I'll give Chevronics call and see what they say.
(01-08-2017, 08:20 PM)Lighty Wrote:  
(01-08-2017, 06:06 PM)Tomcat3 Wrote:  I cant help with your problem but for an independent citroen garage not far from you try these. I have no connection with them just I used them a few years back and have spoken to others that use them and they are a decent bunch.

Rob Moss (owner of Chevronics) is a friend of mine & he is a conscientious guy .
Hi Mark,

Do you have a conscientious mate in South Wales, that I could trust my Berlingo to ?


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No sorry, don't know anyone in that part of the world .
Thanks anyway .


Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

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