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[Warning Light] Airbags - Loom wiring fault fixed

After a recent master cylinder replacement my airbag light came on - is there a clue here?
The mechanic said coincidence and checked the under seat airbag wiring.  And pronounced all well.
I thought I would check and take a picture. This image is of the wiring under the driver's seat, the passenger seat only has the brown wiring.
I had to cut the 4mm cable ties to free up the wiring enough to get it out. 
Cleaned and re-joined firmly - light still on.

[Image: Berlingo-airbag-underseat-connectors.jpg]

The scanner says -

0F40 VAN network 140F40

006F Passengers airbag Inhibition 14006F

This doesn't seem to be a common code, though I have read a thread that pointed to a wiring fault between the BSI and the airbag circuitry.  
The BSI is easy to find - it's below the steering wheel behind a panel that just pulls off.  I took another photo.

[Image: Berlingo-BSI-location.jpg]
I'm not sure what to do next - 

I have read that the airbag ecu is under the gear stick shroud - should I try to test the connections between the two for continuity? 
How easy is it to get the BSI out ? 


I have read somewhere about a harness near the air intake that rubs through. I have also had lots of issues with the blower motor - might the problem be in that area?

ta like.

I'm following this post -

And began by checking EP1 in the engine bay fuse box - picture below

[Image: Berlingo-Engine-Bay-fuse-box-EP1-connector.jpg]

I could see no rust or damage. 

I'm following this post on the thread above from Rustcrat - Berlingo King!

Just been having another play and found out that your air bag fault translates to this - "There is a fault on the Van network. The passengers air bag has been deactivated."
So I think the fault lies with the Comms to the engine fuse box (Bsf) on your "data" wire (9012 red, pin 1 EP1(10v NR) Bsf, pin 6 EP(40v NR) Bsi).

.pdf   dw10 air bags.pdf (Size: 162.85 KB / Downloads: 186)

My photos struggle to capture cable colour but will try again and post a better shot.

One note on the - I am no wiring diagram expert but - on the wiring diagram attached by RustCart - the fusebox seems to be labelled PSF1 rather than BSF1, or maybe my printer is slacking.

Identifying the data wire at EP1 - the socket in the fuse box has helpfully got the pins numbered and sure enough one of the red wires goes to pin one - photo below

[Image: Berlingo-Engine-Bay-fuse-box-EP1_Pin1.jpg]

Now to the other end the BSI under the steering wheel.

Rotate the white latches 90 degrees and you can 'drop' the BSI - there is some slack in the cables so it will come forward a little.

The connectors look like this

Two big bad boys on the left

[Image: Berlingo_BSI_connectors_row1_Left.jpg]

And two smaller ones on the right

[Image: Berlingo_BSI_connectors_row1_Right_2.jpg]

I removed the far right connector first then the adjacent one. I found the far left one the next easiest - push the red tab at the far end away from you.

but the middle one is tricky - you need to press the yellow tabs at the top to free the red tab to move right - however I can't get enough leverage to release it, or I'm doing something wrong!
I think I'm following Multispacer with a similar airbag problem

With much squeezing of yellow tabs and swearing I managed to free the middle connector allowing me to pull out the BSI a bit more
and access the connectors behind. Three connectors with lever retaining clips - release by depressing the button that holds the lever in place.
Left two shown below.

[Image: Berlingo_BSI_connectors_row2_left.jpg]

The one we want is on the left hand side - it is black. 

[Image: Berlingo-BSI-EP-connector.jpg]

Labelled noir on the socket of the BSI itself.  Looking at the face of the connector we want to check pin 6 for continuity through to pin 1 on the EP1 connector
at the engine bay fuse box. 

Bummer - the wiring here is fine. 

 9012 red, pin 1 EP1(10v NR) Bsf to  pin 6 EP(40v NR) BSI

There is a second white wire which seems to be 

pin 2 EP1 white to pin? EP at BSI

there's a mention that the pin at the EP is pin 8 

There's no continuity between 2 at EP1 and 8 at EP

but logically it would be 7 wouldn't it?  More digging required
Should have read the wiring diagram more closely

9013 runs from Pin 5 on EP1 to pin 8 on the BSI

No connection when measured. Looks like the fault is found, maybe...

[Image: Berlingo-no-airbag-light.jpg]

In the footsteps of Multispacer - I removed the wipers and the rain scuttle and then pulled the red and white wires that are twisted together (thank goodness!) out of the loom wrap. I was too nervous to go straight to a cut and being needleless I used a scalpel blade with  a croc clip attached to cut to the conductor in the white wire without making a break in the wire.  Good continuity from here forward to the BSI and no connection back to the fusebox. The break is in the engine compartment somewhere.  I didn't seriously consider trying to follow the loom - it runs behind the washer motor plate and then plunges into inaccessible stygian gloom before reappearing somewhere in the near corner by the fusebox. 

Instead I cut the white cable in the scuttle and at the fuse box and ran a bypass (pics below) and joy of joys the light goes out. The light goes out!

[Image: Berlingo-9013-bypass-scuttlle.jpg]

And at the fusebox end - 

[Image: Berlingo-9013-bypass-fusebox.jpg]

A note - I broke one arm of  the yellow tab on the connector at the BSI - it seems you lift the yellow tab to allow the red sliding lock to remove (or repconnect) the plug. If under strain you move the red lock 'out of range' - as I did - you will struggle to get it back in without snapping one of the yellow arms. Take care. Mind you I haven't got the BSI back into its slot yet - just happy with airbag light free driving.
[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to BerlingoBoyo for this post:
  • brajomobil, Tomcat3, walter999
Glad you got it sorted in the end and your thread will no doubt help others with this problem.
Are we there yet????? Huh
Ex 1.6hdi van now 3 seater 1.4 multispace

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