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Air filter rattle
My air filter housing is jumping up and down. rattles when on idle. 

Any one know how the filter box is mounted in the back of the engine?
I can see the two rubber buffer/dampner in front of the filter box. but dont think they are the cause of the nioce. 

Is there a easy way to take the box out of the car to change the filter? 
Any ideas?
You will need to replace the two rubber grommets on the front of the air box and the two rubber grommets that the air filter bottom slots into.

You cant buy the bottom grommets on there own you have to buy the whole bracket (they are not expensive) just remove the rubbers from the new bracket and fit to your bracket.
A handy tip whenever you have access to those locating grommets is to spray each one with silicon. This not only slows down the wear, but makes the engine cover, filter, etc much easier to pop off at a later date.

[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Gravity for this post:
  • sattans
I happen to be watching a guy on YouTube Fitting water in diesel/fuel sensor and had a similar problem with a rattle and how he resolved it

I hope this will be of some help
(09-11-2017, 09:55 AM)iscom Wrote:  I happen to be watching a guy on YouTube Fitting water in diesel/fuel sensor and had a similar problem with a rattle and how he resolved it

I hope this will be of some help

That was my video actually. I had a similar problem with the air box as well, but one of the plastic pegs was broken, so the whole box was rattling. I did not buy the whole tray but drilled a hole in the plastic, where the peg is supposed to be and put a bolt with several nuts. It was a perfect fit and has not rattled since. Several of the air pipes also rattle, so I am using cable ties to stop them rattling.

smile, you are alive! Peugeot Partner Escapade (same as M59, but with offroady-ish look) 2007, 1.6HDi 92
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to saskak for this post:
  • cancunia
Saskak, thanks for posting about the airbox. The pins are intact on mine but the grommets are totally worn away, top & bottom. I somehow have a problem spending £3 on each grommet at the top, then £12 on the bracket. Did you put nut & bolts at the top or bottom of the air box?
(27-08-2018, 07:58 AM)cancunia Wrote:  Saskak, thanks for posting about the airbox. The pins are intact on mine but the grommets are totally worn away, top & bottom. I somehow have a problem spending £3 on each grommet at the top, then £12 on the bracket. Did you put nut & bolts at the top or bottom of the air box?

One of the pins had broken off the bracket, so I drilled a hole and put a bolt with nuts to make it same size as the pin. The bolt is on the bracket on the engine-side, upper part of the airbox.
Yeah, the grommets are rather expensive and mine have also nearly gone and I would have to buy some. The bottom bracket is intact (underneath air box). That one I have left as it is.
smile, you are alive! Peugeot Partner Escapade (same as M59, but with offroady-ish look) 2007, 1.6HDi 92
Thanks, one of those pins has nearly worn through from the airbox rubbing against it so I'll cut it flush then drill & bolt when I do the air filter next week. I've got some spare reinforced fuel hose that I can use to make up some bushes.
Slightly off topic, but I'm wondering if all that shaking about is what's broken my MAF, the top of the EGR has worn a hole in the bottom of the airbox too.
(27-08-2018, 02:03 PM)cancunia Wrote:  Thanks, one of those pins has nearly worn through from the airbox rubbing against it so I'll cut it flush then drill & bolt when I do the air filter next week. I've got some spare reinforced fuel hose that I can use to make up some bushes.
Slightly off topic, but I'm wondering if all that shaking about is what's broken my MAF, the top of the EGR has worn a hole in the bottom of the airbox too.

Yeah, the top of the EGR valve on mine is also rubbing on the airbox. I might put an extra rubber washer if I can, to raise it a mill or so. I am thinking of doing a service next week and will report if I manage to do something.
smile, you are alive! Peugeot Partner Escapade (same as M59, but with offroady-ish look) 2007, 1.6HDi 92

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