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Well i picked the car up on the 11th all well, well you'd  have thought so.

4 garage visits 

Turbo drawing and leaking oil.
Drivers seat base broken( the bar that goes across)
Vibration and rattling from front end.

2013 80k 1.6hdi

Should i take it back for a full refund, and what do i buy next as i need this size of vehicle.

Any advice appreciated.
Take it back and buy another one they are not all the same i have a 2008 1.6hdi that apart from servicing has never had a spaner on it.

Servicing is the key find one like mine thats been looked after instead of abused - at 80k there should be nothing wrong with it if it had been looked after.
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I like the car a lot, it's everything we need , the dealer where i bought it from said I've been petty , but ive had it checked over, he's put the phone down on me twice, and he's known about the problems since the day after i took it home.

It has f.s.h 1 owner from new,
(07-11-2017, 11:37 AM)martinwf5 Wrote:  I like the car a lot, it's  everything we need , the dealer where i bought it from said I've  been petty , but ive had it checked over, he's  put the phone down on me twice, and he's  known about the problems since the day after i took it home.

It has f.s.h 1 owner from new,

As it's a Dealer rather than a private individual you have the law firmly on your side. The Dealer knows this and is trying to fob you off or wear you down. He's hoping you'll keep using the car, rack up the miles, and fade away.

Give the guy a fair chance to respond to you, and if he does not - or he just keeps putting the phone down - write him immediately listing your grievances and insist that he corrects them or you will return the car and take further action as necessary. If possible, get another garage to list the faults for you, and let him know you have done this. It all helps to show that you are not the kind of guy who will let the matter drag without action.

Keep a copy of your letter, and contact Trading Standards  if he does not respond. The worst thing you can do is to delay - that's exactly what he wants you to do.

hate to say it as you have invested money and time on this but maybe get your money back and look for another, My first Berlingo was a 1.6 hdi four years old with FSH one owner (company vehicle) and had nothing but trouble alternator clutch and 3 turbos ,how does the oil seem if you look in the filler cap any signs of carbon ?
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  • polar
The Berlingo is like "Marmite" you love or hate them . . .there is something about the Berlingo a secure confident feelings when driving them. I have driven many cars over the years but I can't put my finger on why like and enjoy the Berlingo maybe its it the versatility of the car easy to access the removable seats, the sliding doors, large storage area. Having driven across Europe this and last last year it was a pleasure to drive it. . . . . But then I do have a high spec one with a Modutop roof and a bootcamp
(07-11-2017, 06:25 PM)iscom Wrote:  The Berlingo is like "Marmite"  you love or  hate them . . .there is something about the Berlingo a secure confident feelings when driving them.  I have driven many cars over the years but I can't put my finger on why  like and enjoy the Berlingo maybe its it the versatility of the car easy to access the removable seats, the sliding doors, large storage area. Having driven across Europe this and last last year it was a pleasure to drive it.  . . . . But then I do have a high spec one with a Modutop roof and a bootcamp

I love them too, like you I can not put my finger on it,I think it is the fact that it has nothing to prove,it just does its thing.
(07-11-2017, 05:09 PM)jimbo Wrote:   ,how does the oil seem if you look in the filler cap any signs of carbon ?

seems ok to me, but it smells burnt.

you can see with the pics the reason i like mine.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I have spoken to an independent garage in Leeds this afternoon who specialises in Citroen, and he went through the full procedure on the turbo change procedure , cleaning all the filters, the dpf, and he said there would be no reason why i shouldn't be a happy berlingo driver, with a warranty on the turbo at £800 all in, regardless if the garage pays or myself.

however i think i'm going to follow advice, i have telephoned the dealer and stated i will be returning the car back on Thursday, 1 day before my 30 days is up.
He's looked at it once and changed the discs and pads as the brakes were grating, ( and forgot to put the anti rattle clips on) and when i complained about his mechanic he confessed he had done it on the forecourt.
And this passed an mot 26 days ago.
Looks like you've got yourself a bargaining position then.

Quote the £800 figure to your supplying dealer for starters, and see if he's willing to reimburse you that amount, or if he's agreeable to let the other garage do the work at his expense. The risk with the second suggestion is that he may not pay the other garage bill once the work's been done, so if you took that route you need to cover yourself with a written agreement. The advantage to him is that he gets you out of his hair completely, because if there is any further trouble he can blame the other garage. He also knows that he can haggle with the other garage and get the £800 reduced.

By far the best course for you is to get £800 from the dealer direct. That's Eutopia - probably you'll end up with less, but as a starting point you've got a good case.

If you can't reach any agreement, then you're stuck with leaving the car, walking away and getting Trading Standards (or your solicitor) involved. But again, speed is of the essence.

However it plays out, hope you get a good solution.

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