24-02-2018, 03:56 PM
hi I have a problem with my eco mode not turning off after an engine swap. I had the 1.9d and the bottom end went on it and it wouldn't go above 20mph and I needed it for work on the Monday so Saturday we went down to the only scrappy that was open and we found what looked like the right engine in a 206 looked like the same block and pump ect. the problems occurred when we came to start it I wouldn't fire up up so we went old school and used the old stop start solenoid and it now runs fine but the eco mode remains on when running so I haven't got anything at all making it undriveable. we have all the sensors plugged in and its even charging off the alternator. I just wondered if anyone new how the engine running switches the eco mode off? any help would be much apriciated. thanks in advance