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[Steering & Suspension] Berlingo 2006 sitting very low, but driving fine.
Hi Guys

Following from my post last week on my central locking problems which Iv now fixed, I have a new problem!

The rear end started to gradually drop over a space of 2 days earlier this week and seems to have settled at its current height. The strange thing is the back wheels are straight, it looks to be sat evenly, there is no knocking or rattling and no noticable changes to how it drives. It seems absolutely fine and perfectly drivable as suspension does seem to be still working, but there is only just over 50mm of clearance between the tyres and the top inner wheel arch.

Garage have suggested replacing the full rear axel for a recon unit at £650. I'd rather scrap the van than pay that. Iv tried reading other posts online but I can't find any similar scenarios. Most people say their vans have either dropped on one side or made a bang and slammed to the ground.

Anyone have any suggestions or seen something like this before?

Many thanks

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2006 Citroen Berlingo Enterprise 600D
420k+ on the clocks and still chugging away   Big Grin
Need pics of distance between bump stops and axle + side on of the rear wheel / arch - will be able to give you more idea if it looks low.

Have you checked for broken torsion bars?
As polar has mentioned I would suspect a broken torsion bar, craw under with a torch and take a look.

My vehicle .... 2006 (m59) Berlingo Multispace Desire - 1.6 HDI 92 
(06-04-2018, 08:55 AM)jj9 Wrote:  As polar has mentioned I would suspect a broken torsion bar, craw under with a torch and take a look.

Can't see any broken bars, one of the bars and both shockers were replaced on the last MOT, it's hard to get underneath to get a decent photo as I don't have a jack. Iv taken some anyway and it's brake drums with ABS.

Im just wondering if I should try get a replacement axel from a scrap yard. As far as I know mines a 600D but is it worth me trying to get an axle from an 800D? They have a better load bearing I'm thinking? I assume they all fit the same?[Image: ff8b6119ff2c28690cf8a04f514f1a01.jpg][Image: 23d1793b61307dfab6e32b083f3542d8.jpg][Image: f14793a99b22c65e8689b86ad94cc57f.jpg][Image: 125bb22aa33e0ccbc4f3cdd4d30a6b67.jpg][Image: ad582d26e7e8f6b383361ed3536d211e.jpg]

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2006 Citroen Berlingo Enterprise 600D
420k+ on the clocks and still chugging away   Big Grin
That is sitting very low, unless you have a pallet of bricks in the back.

That has to be a knackered torsion bar, they aren't always that easy to spot as they normally snap at the ends where they connect to the tailing arms, the passenger side is harder to spot as it goes deep into the trailing arm.

When you say it had a new torsion bar fitted for the MOT I'm guessing it was 2nd hand one as the corrosion on both of those looks a lot more than a years worth.     
(The bar nearest the front of the vehicle is the anti roll bar)

The general advice regarding 2nd hand / scrap yard axles is that it's quite a risk, as the one you are buying could be on it's last legs.

If you are DIY fitting a 2nd hand axle it may be worth it but if you are paying a garage to do the work it will be the same labour cost as fitting a reconditioned one. 

A reconditioned axle is around the £285 mark delivered    (£50 cheaper if you can collect from them)

I'm seem to recall reading a post where someone had fitted a 800 axle in place of the 600 but was finding the ride a bit harsh due to the extra stiffness.

My vehicle .... 2006 (m59) Berlingo Multispace Desire - 1.6 HDI 92 
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As JJ says ^^^ something defo wrong and i suspect like JJ torsion bar snapped but difficult to see.

Recon axle all the way no point in a scrap yard unless the axle looks like its almost new then you are still taking a chance.
(06-04-2018, 09:48 PM)polar Wrote:  As JJ says ^^^ something defo wrong and i suspect like JJ torsion bar snapped but difficult to see.

Recon axle all the way no point in a scrap yard unless the axle looks like its almost new then you are still taking a chance.
Thanks for the replies. It totally agree with your advice, but it's purely a cost issue at the moment. Right now my business is quiet and I'm getting married in July, so I'm trying to spend as little as possible. Also I hope to try get a newish citroen dispatch by the end of this year, so I think I will take the chance and try a used axle and hope it sees me through long enough. The van is fully racked out in the back so I know that won't be helping which is why I was thinking of going for an 800D axle, with the weight it might not be such a harsh ride. It probably wouldn't bother me anyway.

Il let you know how I get on, Iv found a complete axle nearby online from an 07 Reg berlingo which looks to be an ex Leeds City Council taxi with rear disabled access. It's up for £100, might be room to knock the price down on it hopefully. Not sure if that will be an 800D? Il get in touch with them on Monday and find out.

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2006 Citroen Berlingo Enterprise 600D
420k+ on the clocks and still chugging away   Big Grin
Needs must and all of that....

Hope you get a good axle, you probably will get years out of it.

It may be worth considering fitting a couple of grease nipples to the axle, this is quite easy to do and will preserve the bearings and prolong the life of the axle.

Details in the thread below by brajomobil.

Let us know how you get on.

My vehicle .... 2006 (m59) Berlingo Multispace Desire - 1.6 HDI 92 

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