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[Steering & Suspension] M59 Rear axle fitting cost ?
Hi all.

Just wondering what others have been charged for fitting a re-furb back axle, (just the fitting charge, not including the cost of the axle).

I ask because I have just had mine done by a local garage in the village. I got the axle from the usual folk = Imaxles (very good service by the way). However, the garage (whom I usually trust to be good and fair) are asking a pretty large wedge of cash for fitting it!! They did say they had done it several times before, but mine was a bit of a pig of a job (not sure why as my car is in good nick all over).
Regards to all,
John - (2005 2.0HDi with Modutop roof, mini camper).

Did you ask what the problems were and how long the job took them etc. ? Sometimes the captive nuts that the securing bolts fit into come loose and cause problems or the brakes can cause problems if they are disconnected. If they have already done it and gave you an estimate how much have they gone over ?
So where does this bit go then ?
(27-07-2018, 07:23 AM)ffrenchie Wrote:  Did you ask what the problems were and how long the job took them etc. ? Sometimes the captive nuts that the securing bolts fit into come loose and cause problems or the brakes can cause problems if they are disconnected. If they have already done it and gave you an estimate how much have they gone over ?

I haven't actually spoken to the "main man", at this small village garage because he is away on holiday this  week. Being a small village they trust their local customers to pay sometime soon afterwards, which is nice. The "lad" there told me, when I went to collect it, that they had problems with wheel bearings and had to make up an extractor and had to replace the bearings (not sure why). Also minor stuff like a couple of brake pipes and ABS sensors that had to be replaced due to getting damaged on removal.

I didn't get an estimate because in the past they have always seemed fair, plus the job is what it is and to tie a small family run garage down because of an estimate is something I don't like doing.

I haven't mentioned yet how much they are asking, but compared to what I was expecting, i.e. around £200 - £300, it is somewhat more than that at £480 + the £280 for the axle = £760 in total !!!
Confused Angry Sad
Regards to all,
John - (2005 2.0HDi with Modutop roof, mini camper).

If they are happy to wait a bit for payment, why not wait till the main man returns and say you were a bit surprised about the bill & can he take a look into it for you? If the £480 includes VAT, that's about 1 day's work, maybe less if they included some new parts.
The value of an estimate is that they should be calling you if it's likely to go much over.
At approx £200 more than estimate I'd just go with it and accept the price, seems reasonable for bearings, sensors and pipes etc.
2007 M59 1.6 HDi 

Serieal Berlingo owner  Heart Heart Heart
Cheers for the input folk Smile

It's not that I was going to argue with them about the price, I was going to pay him as soon as he gets back on Monday. I was just curious what is the average price for this job as I hadn't expected a (total) bill of £760
Regards to all,
John - (2005 2.0HDi with Modutop roof, mini camper).

Wow! I didn't pay much more than that for my 2008 M59 Multispace 1.6hdi.

And I've just bought a peach of a 2007 Megane convertible tintop 1.5 diesel for less than that figure. Guess I'll have to update my real world repair costs, or I'll be in for a shock when big jobs need doing.
Aye, it's strange to think that replacing a back axle on one of these (a common failing) could almost be classed as a "beyond economical repair" job on a 2005 vehicle that is (in my case) otherwise in VERY good condition Confused

Anyway, it's done now and generally the car (van?) has been VERY good to me in the 2 years I've had it. Other than normal service items, this is the first repair I have had to face Smile
Regards to all,
John - (2005 2.0HDi with Modutop roof, mini camper).

(27-07-2018, 01:49 PM)Gravity Wrote:  Wow! I didn't pay much more than that for my 2008 M59 Multispace 1.6hdi.

And I've just bought a peach of a 2007 Megane convertible tintop 1.5 diesel for less than that figure. Guess I'll have to update my real world repair costs, or I'll be in for a shock when big jobs need doing.

Think I'll need to move to Wales to find my next car. Been looking for a nice priced 1.6 for a while.
"Wow! I didn't pay much more than that for my 2008 M59 Multispace 1.6hdi."

Maybe I was ripped off? I had to fork out £1200 for ours last year when we bought it - having said that prices in this part of Wales do seem to be lower than average but if you are fussy about a particular model or colour then you'll have to travel further afield.

On the original topic - that labour bill is pretty much what I'd pay here if I used either of the two independent garages nearby. Main dealer? 2013 I was quoted £720 for a new clutch in a 1.4 Hdi Peugeot 206 by the dealer in Aberystwyth - that's the price on their computer and the guy did ask if I was sitting down before he quoted.
Our cars  2008 1.6  HDi 92 Berlingo (His) RIP 2019
              2008 1.6  HDi 110 Mini (Hers)
              2008 1.6  HDi 143 Mini (His)  


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