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Faulty drivers door lock
This is on our Dispatch and not Berlingo but I figure they are probably about the same and I like this forum. 

The drivers door lock has started to get a bit stiff recently so we decided to spray it with WD40 and since then it has gone all loose and doesn't unlock the door properly, you really have to mess about with the key turning it both ways to get it to unlock, sometimes you have to unlock the rear doors and open them to get the drivers door to unlock. It also now locks itself as soon as you shut the door where it didn't before so I presume the barrel is now staying in the locked position.

Its not the key as the back doors and ignition still work perfectly, also my mate has managed to loose the remote key when he was down the pub getting pissed one night, I can't find the key code card to program a new key and its about £80 for a new key with the code number and takes a week or so to arrive so we are down to the last key at the moment.

Is this a common problem with door locks on Citroens?
Citroën Door locks have always been a bit... cheap... but using WD40 probably didn't help.
(Get a lubricant that has been specifically created for the job. )

When the barrel on the driver's side broke on my M49, I just swapped it with the one on the passenger side.
You need a new lock barrel, not common on berlingos but very common on big brother, we did loads as Indy Peugeot specialists, basically the very end of the key turns the part and the end of the key is worn and wears the insides of the barrel, the other locks work ok as they get less wear, the inside of there’s will wear in time Smile So yes the key is worn a bit and a new sharp key may work, but a barrel and a new key will have it perfect again
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OK cheers, the thing is though, we've only been using the key for about 6 months, before that we had the remote key and the spare key sat in the office drawer. The van is a 15 plate so only 4 years old anyway.

In fact the rear lock has had much more use as we get stuff out of the van multiple times a day.
I priced up a new door lock & random key for a guy a few weeks back, it was £138 + vat.
I couldn’t believe it, you could get a whole lock set for that not so long ago.
Mad money.
Just for info really if it helps anyone else out short term but I've managed to bodge my door lock back together. The lock is sort of in 2 halves, there is a barrel in the first half and a ball and socket type thing in the second half and connecting the two is a ring with a couple of pegs in it, it was this ring that had snapped in half. With this ring broken the barrel is free to spin in the second half of the lock, the two are held together with a circlip in the ball socket end.

This looked way more complicated than it needed to be so I decided to peg the two halves together with a pin, I drilled a 2.5mm hole through both of them and then used a small piece of wire coat hanger that was a tight fit and knocked it through the two units pinning them together. I didn't bother trying to locate the spring back on the pegs but still used it to put some tension on the two halves.

Not sure how long it will last but should be long enough to get a new remote key up and running. Some pictures.

[Image: POHdtmWA.jpg]

[Image: zGwOg2jd.jpg]

[Image: V03BhxQY.jpg]

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