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[Brakes] Bloody bleeding brakes!
Think I'm giving up on this now!

Posted a thread up before Christmas because I was getting no pressure out of the nipples and was told to make sure the load sensing valve was open. I did that and started getting good pressure. 

Now when bleeding I get constant bubbles in the bleed line no matter how much fluid goes through it. I just filled a 500ml bottle with fluid running it through the rear left and its just constant little bubbles and occasionally large bubbles. All 4 corners are doing the same. I've bleed it and bleed it in sequence and still the same.  

Also when topping up the reservoir to the brim I'm getting bubbles coming out and the fluid level going down.

I've checked and checked again for leaks there are none!

How is the air getting into the system?

I've had just about enough now and next stop will be scrap yard! Please help!
Are you using a pressure bleeder?
(20-01-2020, 05:44 PM)V6BOY Wrote:  Are you using a pressure bleeder?

No the valve type and pump the pedal
Ahh i see because if you connect up a pressure type one and pressurize the system you would hear and see any leaks fairly noticeably.
Air sucking past the bleed nipple threads ??? put a big snob of grease around them.
2007 M59 1.6 HDi 

Serieal Berlingo owner  Heart Heart Heart
I take it your valve type of bleeding tube is exactly that, a tube with a one way valve in the end, when you let the pedal back up air can be sucked in through the threads of the bleed nipple.

If you haven't already try bleeding it the conventional way, when the pedal is down lock the nipple up. then let the pedal up, then open the nipple as the pedal is being pushed down, obviously you will need a helper to do this and communication between you and your helper is the key.

My vehicle .... 2006 (m59) Berlingo Multispace Desire - 1.6 HDI 92 
(20-01-2020, 07:32 PM)jj9 Wrote:  I take it your valve type of bleeding tube is exactly that, a tube with a one way valve in the end, when you let the pedal back up air can be sucked in through the threads of the bleed nipple.

If you haven't already try bleeding it the conventional way, when the pedal is down lock the nipple up. then let the pedal up, then open the nipple as the pedal is being pushed down, obviously you will need a helper to do this and communication between you and your helper is the key.


Yeah its only one of those cheapo ones. I started of the conventional way with no luck. The one bleed nipple was leaking through the treads so sorted that out. I'll try going back to the conventional method tomorrow see what happens. Have you ever had bubbles come out the reservoir when topping it up?

Just to say as well I made 100% sure I didn't let the reservoir run dry I topped it to the brim and didn't let it get passed the thread before topping it up again.
(20-01-2020, 07:23 PM)geoff Wrote:  Air sucking past the bleed nipple threads ??? put a big snob of grease around them.

I used ptfe tape as thats all i had to hand seemed to work though as one nipple was noticeably leaking and very loose after cracking it open.
(20-01-2020, 07:07 PM)V6BOY Wrote:  Ahh i see because if you connect up a pressure type one and pressurize the system you would hear and see any leaks fairly noticeably.

Thats a great idea could you recommend a kit?
(20-01-2020, 07:59 PM)frostyberlingo Wrote:  . . .  Have you ever had bubbles come out the reservoir when topping it up?. . .

You sometimes get the odd bubble as any air trapped in the reservoir gets pushed out by the new fluid you are pouring in, the reservoir on some of the berlingos are a strange shape and have baffles in them so air is easily trapped, raise the front of the vehicle like polar advised.

Try bleeding the master cylinder, crack open one of the pipes that goes to the master cylinder, get your helper to push down the pedal and hold it down whilst you tighten the pipe you cracked, do this for each pipe, catch any fluid in an old rag.

This type of pressure bleeder will do the job...

My vehicle .... 2006 (m59) Berlingo Multispace Desire - 1.6 HDI 92 
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