I've just finished installing the new rubber and copper on injector 4. The other 3 I did are all dry and looking good....
I think 4 may need replacing but I thought I'd ask for some advice before I get taken for a mug. It doesn't appear to be leaking from the very bottom (where the rubber seals it) but instead it seems to be leaking from above the collar (the bit that spins around on the injector and fastens it down)
Anybody had any experience with this or know what could be happening? I've taken a picture but it doesn't show much apart from a wet injector :=
Oh another thought... When I cleaned the old rubber out it left behind a metal o ring. In fact there was stangly 2 of these metal o rings... I pulled a part one of the rubbers and the o rings are identical to what's inside the rubber so I assumed it wasn't needed and had probably been bodged and left in previously.
I just took another look at the diagram and there seems to be a part under the rubber!! Does anyone know what this part is!? It's number 13 on the picture and looks like what I've pulled out but at the same time it makes no sense as it must have just been left over from the destroyed rubber.... Its the same thing!
I'm going crazy here. Any help is well appreciated.
Not that anybody seems to care but I have fixed the oil leaking from injector 4 but I believe it needs to be replaced as it is leaking diesal from the injector itself. Not the fuel line. Not massively and not on idle.
The o rings I found are the remains of the old rubber. The fact that someone had dumped a new rubber on top of the old one meant that there was indeed 2 o rings in there that weren't supposed to be there. No wonder there was black death all over it.
Going to get the injector tested tomorrow, I may as well keep this updated as I hate reading posts that lead to nothing.
I had a thought about your other post - the black crap on the back of the engine (soot) - it could also be just a fine plastic dust as the air box tends to vibrate/shake, rattle and roll against all the steel gubbins back there (especially if it loses any of the support grommets/pins) and you will often get a pile of small plastic filings building up under the box - not as fine as engine soot so would feel grittier if rubbed between finger & thumb.
You are most probably correct, when I bought it all the little rubber grommets on the air box are shot... The whole thing rattles about so good guess I'd say. I tried cable ties but there's not much to tie it too. Maybe a visit back to the scrap yard...
Which is where I've just been.!
Got another injector for a mere £20 so with a bit of luck it might solve the leak. If not I'm off to the specialist. Failing that I'm buying a push bike.
New injector in and after a quick raz around the block there is no diesal leak like there was before. Relieved but not certain yet. She's got to gain my trust again.
Tomorrow I will fully test it as it takes a good 10-20minutues on a main road to warm up and and begin stuttering. I'm expecting it to still stutter as I think the diesal leak was probably unrelated but just one of those things I maybe did changing the seals and fixing the black death situation. Doh!
Injector testing will be the next course of action I guess. Maybe an o2 sensor and perhaps a MAS now I've found a good scrapyard near me. It's like everything there is £20... Maybe next time I go ill ask for an engine
No leaks and turns out my cars stuttering and performance issues where due to an excess of oil. 1.25L if anyone is wondering. There another thread but its pretty self explanatory.
Moral of the story is don't let your mates fiddle with your car. They won't be the ones putting in hours of research when they change the seals on the injectors without removing the old rubbers and put an extra litre or so of oil in causing it to look like a mobile disco.