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[Brakes] Uncontrolled brake engagement
(22-03-2020, 03:40 PM)jj9 Wrote:  The rear brakes are notoriously hard to bleed because of the way the pipes are routed (up hill / down hill) air can get trapped and the fluid doesn't move it as the air doesn't want to go downhill, the fluid just runs through the air pocket.
It's very unlikely that you have air in the ABS block so personally I don't think that's your problem.

Pressure bleeding can sometimes help as the fluid is pushed through at a greater rate so it has more chance of removing any trapped air, notice I say sometimes because it doesn't always work.
Best to leave it a week then try to bleed it again, any trapped may have shifted and you may get it out. 


It shouldnt be too easy... I will try the waiting then bleeding approach! Thanks for all the inputs!
Forgot to update here the outcome. Car passed MOT after writing here. Went to different location and this guy was older and had less ambitious approach to the job it seemed, could have something to do with it. But for me car is fine, so I think rather is was that thing with scrapp in the pipes, as suggested. Think there is still one or two bubble I didn get out. But it brakes perfectly (although starting bit further down of pedal than I think is correct) and been riding since then like this, and MOT was fine with it so I think I've given up on the last bubble. Hope car stays healthy for a while now cous spending time now making foldable bed/boot camper in back for the summer.

Thanks again for replies. This forum is just great.
Drop a concrete block on your brake pedal to hold it down overnight or does your pedal improve with pumping ? If it doesn't it's not air.
So where does this bit go then ?
(28-05-2020, 07:05 AM)ffrenchie Wrote:  Drop a concrete block on your brake pedal to hold it down overnight or does your pedal improve with pumping ? If it doesn't it's not air.

Ok, and then bleed in morning? Yes If I pump twice it stops earlier on second
Then there is air in the system. The concrete block I guess, was to test for a fluid leak.
Not a Citroen!
2017 B9 1.6 BlueHDi Van
2012 B9 1.6 HDi Van
2008 M59 1.6 HDi Van
2003 M59 1.9D Van
Leaving the pedal under pressure overnight gives a firm pedal for a while, don't know why but it does. It's only a temporary fix but it illustrates the need for more bleeding.
So where does this bit go then ?
Yeah as i've learned the hard way the M59 is a total ball ache to bleed and in my case still is refusing to bleed months after changing the wheel cylinders in the drums. I've yet to pressure bleed them so what jj9 says might do the trick, what Zion says aswell get a hold of Lexia and bleed it with that (Probably best from what i've seen on this form)or if worst comes to shove gravity bleed it, leave the Bleed nipples cracked and top up the fluid every once and a while, might need to leave it for a while as i've heard people mention which i've also yet to try , other that welcome to the woeful brake pedal club buddy.

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