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[Brakes] Dire need of help please!!!
Hi there 

My dads Berlingo came in for the brakes to get done. I changed the front discs and pads and rear wheel cylinders as they were P*ssing brake fluid out. After we bled them there was no brake pedal what so ever. The stop light was flashing the first time despite the break fluid being full so i suspect there was an air lock, So we bled them again and we got a bit of a pedal but to be frank it was Sh"te and would have been lethal to Drive. We then attempted to bleed it with an woeful pressure bleeder but it just sprayed brake fluid everywhere out the cap. So we changed the master cylinder and after bleeding through the master cylinder ABS pump, Front and rear brakes there was no pedal what so ever. The next day we opened the rear bleed nipples and let them drip for an hour. This brought back some what of a pedal but it was still P*sh. 

I have now since ordered a proper gunsons eezibleeder to try and bring the Pedal back before condemning the ABS Pump how ever for some reason my dads berlingo doesn't have a load sensing valve. 

The Van its self is a 2007 600 Enterprise Van withe the 1.6 HDI 16v 75hp DV6BUTED4 engine.

What i'm wondering is did all the m59s have load sensing valves or did some not as on my dads there is no evidence of a load sensing valve being fitted and no brake lines going to one that would suggest its existence. 

Is there supposed to be one?
Hi there if the van has abs there isn't a load sensing valve and spring on the back axle, and the problem you have with the bleeding is the front of the vehicle needs to be raised a bit. there are loads of threads on the forum about it have a search.
Are we there yet????? Huh
Ex 1.6hdi van now 3 seater 1.4 multispace
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Tomcat3 for this post:
  • IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo
If you use a pressure bleeder then make sure  the pressure is under 20lbs or you get the spray
effect. Take a feed from the drivers side front wheel and let out some air before you begin.
 The advantage of using a pressure bleeder is that the brake fluid is always topped up. I found it works well when the motor is parked on a slope uphill  or as recommended by Tomcat3

When bleeding do the rear drivers side then the rear n/s then the front d/side then the front n/side. Try to do any other sequence is not always successful.
2020 Rifter 1.5 allure
2010 B9 red XTR w a v. 
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo  
2005 2.l green Berlingo
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo 
berlingo 1.4 red multispace
1993 xud 1.9 red partner
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to brodfather11 for this post:
  • IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo
P*sh? Love it - that's a proper Scottish expression that I never hear down here in Wales  Big Grin

The ABS PSA cars lose the load balancer (which is always handy) so you've got one less thing to puzzle over.

Check the rear shoes have 'clicked out' properly when you have replaced them - I failed to adjust mine out correctly once after refitting the drums so they then failed to click out on the adjuster giving a soft peddle.

As said Gunsons need to be at a lowish pressure and make sure it's seated properly on the master cylinder top. If you can get hold of a Mityvac or similar then I've found they often work where others fail (but you may need to put PTFE on the nipple threads to stop air getting sucked through them) - try the Gunsons first though.
If using tyre pressure it would be prudent to use the spare.
2007 M59 1.6 HDi 

Serieal Berlingo owner  Heart Heart Heart
An update into this aggravating I find my self in. The STOP light is now coming on and off. I went and checked the brake fluid and it's gone down, I had a look about so and I can't see any leaks on the master cylinder or brake servo, so I topped it back up again and as i was there I can see the fluid slowly going down with a few added air bubbles but it doesn't explain where the hell the rest of the fluid went.

As for the STOP light I know there's air in the system so I guess it's now picked up on it to or yet something else on it wants to f*ck me around now. All i know is i'm stuck until I get my eezibleeder which could be a while with the UK COVID lockdown.
A bad case of " it's out to get me " if ever I saw one ..... Lol !!!!
2007 M59 1.6 HDi 

Serieal Berlingo owner  Heart Heart Heart
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(03-04-2020, 05:47 PM)IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo Wrote:  An update into this aggravating I find my self in. The STOP light is now coming on and off. I went and checked the brake fluid and it's gone down, I had a look about so and I can't see any leaks on the master cylinder or brake servo, so I topped it back up again and as i was there I can see the fluid slowly going down with a few added air bubbles but it doesn't explain where the hell the rest of the fluid went.

As for the STOP light I know there's air in the system so I guess it's now picked up on it to or yet something else on it wants to f*ck me around now. All i know is i'm stuck until I get my eezibleeder which could be a while with the UK COVID lockdown.

If the level is dropping like that,check the plastic feed pipe to the clutch m/cyl.they've been known to split & leak.HTH
Strawberry flavoured windows  Dodgy
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  • geoff, IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo
(03-04-2020, 08:28 PM)ron Wrote:  
(03-04-2020, 05:47 PM)IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo Wrote:  An update into this aggravating I find my self in. The STOP light is now coming on and off. I went and checked the brake fluid and it's gone down, I had a look about so and I can't see any leaks on the master cylinder or brake servo, so I topped it back up again and as i was there I can see the fluid slowly going down with a few added air bubbles but it doesn't explain where the hell the rest of the fluid went.

As for the STOP light I know there's air in the system so I guess it's now picked up on it to or yet something else on it wants to f*ck me around now. All i know is i'm stuck until I get my eezibleeder which could be a while with the UK COVID lockdown.

If the level is dropping like that,check the plastic feed pipe to the clutch m/cyl.they've been known to split & leak.HTH

Yeah the clutch hose is indeed leaking so i've got a new genuine one from, Citworld on ebay that fits. But now the N/S/F driveshaft oil seal has decided to leak (hopefully the shaft never nicked the seal when it popped out in typical PSA style when removing the Hub) which needs to be fixed asap before anything else, Geoff was right this Effing van is out to get me, so i need to change this clutch feed pipe before i bleed it as well and get someone to do the Driveshaft oil seal.,I'm a first year apprentice why did i get my self involved... Anyone want a 600 enterprise van with a 1.6 DV6BUTED4 ? Reggies YB07 EXA if interested. Plese Save me fromt his night mare van.
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  • Art b
Quote "  ,I'm a first year apprentice why did i get my self involved..???. "
First year apprentice--- of what?

If you  are a budding mechanic, vehicle technician or whatever they call it nowadays think of the things as challenges which will stand you in good stead if you continue career in vehicle maintenance. It will make jobs easier in the future.

When I started out I ran old cars and experimented on them just to see what/how  things should be done and as importantly how/what not to do. I would have jumped at a chance of sorting out your Berlingo.

Its the only way to gain experience, rather than sitting in a college classroom or a computer desk and doing things in theory. It does not mean a lot to have letters after your name unless you can do the messy work and get a better understanding of the work involved and working out proper/easier ways of doing it.
2020 Rifter 1.5 allure
2010 B9 red XTR w a v. 
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo  
2005 2.l green Berlingo
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo 
berlingo 1.4 red multispace
1993 xud 1.9 red partner
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to brodfather11 for this post:
  • IHateMyDadsM59Berlingo, ron

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