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6 speed box
Hi, got a 2016 tepee 120 with the 6 speed manual box, it's done 67000 mrs and there is a bit of transmission noise but not sure if it's box or final drive so have got some good quality gear oil and thought I would change it, took the n/s front wheel off and there is no fill up plug! looked all over and can only think it's on the top where I cannot see, any body any ideas please.
Don't know for sure about yours, but some gearboxes only have a drain plug & a breather at the top. The idea is that you fill with the correct amount via the breather.
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(14-01-2022, 04:46 PM)cancunia Wrote:  Don't know for sure about yours, but some gearboxes only have a drain plug & a breather at the top. The idea is that you fill with the correct amount via the breather.

This could be the case because I can just about see some kind of plastic thing on the top of the box, if this is the filler it is going to be very awkward to get to, going to be fun, will prob leave it till the weather warms a bit, getting too old to be ignoring the cold for sure, thanks very much for the reply cancunia. Smile
Mr C looks to be right! This link might help
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(14-01-2022, 07:24 PM)crolandc Wrote:  This could be the case because I can just about see some kind of plastic thing on the top of the box, if this is the filler it is going to be very awkward to get to.

Yep, that sounds like what you're looking for, I have the same kind of thing on my 6 speed Expert gearbox which is how I guessed what yours might be. As per the thread that Oilyrag linked, you need a plastic tube into the breather hole, I used a small funnel on the end of the tube. The breather cap came off quite easily and clipped back on again, but was in the summer & I think I had the air filter housing off at the time so it was not too difficult.
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On the subject of your original post about gearbox noise, I replaced the clutch release thrust bearing on my 6 speed box at about just under 60k miles as it was noisy. That's how I discovered the method of refilling. Chances are that we have the same gearbox.
When I took the old bearing out, I could not find any real fault with it other than a very small amount of sideways play. Putting the replacement in has fixed the noise though. I can't remember where I found the amount of oil needed, but think it might have been 1.9L.
What I do remember is that one of the CV gaiters had a very small split so I replaced it, but the replacement from Bilstein / Blue Print was a generic part that came off after 2 miles, so I had to take the driveshaft out and refill the gearbox again.
The gearbox drain plug needed a square key, why they didn't just use a Torx or Allen fitting is beyond me.
Thanks very much for that info cancunia, I shall dip the clutch when next I hear the noise to try the release bearing, when I looked at the bottom of my gearbox there are 2 apparent drain plugs, one is as you say a square key plug whilst the other is just a normal plug, maybe 22mm, thought that the square one was for final drive maybe.
(15-01-2022, 01:34 PM)crolandc Wrote:  when I looked at the bottom of my gearbox there are 2 apparent drain plugs, one is as you say a square key plug whilst the other is just a normal plug, maybe 22mm, thought that the square one was for final drive maybe.

It's possible we don't have the same gearbox, but I remember having to grind down a big Allen key to a square so I'm fairly sure that's what mine used as a drain. Maybe I undid the wrong one, but a lot of oil came out!
Yeah, could not understand it having 2 drain plugs, maybe they both do the same job and the square one is the original and the other a modification, someone may tell us lol.
(15-01-2022, 02:10 PM)crolandc Wrote:  Yeah, could not understand it having 2 drain plugs, maybe they both do the same job and the square one is the original and the other a modification, someone may tell us lol.

It's been a slow day due to being gloomy outside so I had a quick look on ServiceBox & attached a couple of documents. ServiceBox is normally only good up to about 2013 so can't be certain that it's correct. 

The drain plug part number is 222111

I think the large plug that was mentioned may be the filler / level. There isn't one on my gearbox, but in any case it's easier via the breather so long as you know it was empty to start with.

The best place I've seen for the official gearbox oil is GSF

Attached Files
.pdf   Gearbox Drain & Refill.pdf (Size: 56.74 KB / Downloads: 6)
.pdf   BVM6 Gearbox.pdf (Size: 162.3 KB / Downloads: 9)

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