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Cold start thingy on fuel pump
Hello all.
My trusty Berlingo failed the CT today (French MOT) as it was dripping fuel on the testers nice clean floor. After a return home and many hours stripping bits off and cleaning and looking I found that the cold start thingy on top of the fuel pump was the reason. I can only presume that when connected and under spring tension the shaft that goes into the fuel pump has just enough force on it so that fuel can seep out ..up and then down and away!
Well, I stripped the mechanism off and without all the bits there and the shaft left alone it does not leak at all.  The car works well it just needs a few seconds on the throttle at start until a tiny bit warm or it stalls.......But is no longer leaks and cost nothing.

First picture is the mechanism before. I stripped it out, you can see the fuel seeping out under it. The second is the post it all sits on that turns as the engine heats (This is how it is now, after a test run there is no fuel seepage any more.) and the third are the bits.
It's a 2001 1.9d with 322,500 k on the clock.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Carl.1 for this post:
  • bertylingodave, cancunia
If it works for you why not. You seem to have cured the leak and it runs.

I wonder how well it will do in a hard cold winter, if you get them in your part of France.

I seem to remember something about a repair kit which was available to fix that leak.
2020 Rifter 1.5 allure
2010 B9 red XTR w a v. 
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo  
2005 2.l green Berlingo
2001 1.9d DW8B white  Berlingo 
berlingo 1.4 red multispace
1993 xud 1.9 red partner

All was well with no leak yesterday, but on use today I got back from a long run and there was seepage!!   So I added two rubber washers to the shaft that seat tightly to the shaft and down onto the pump top, then using the original nut tightened them down. I went out and did the same run and came back...All dry nothing. Happy now that I can re book the test and have another two years until the next test.

Winters can get cold here. We are lucky in that you can be sat out quite happily in the day at 20 degrees but a drop to minus 4 at night is no surprise.  I will update after the next winter and see how it goes. 

It's a 2001 1.9d with 322,500 k on the clock.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to Carl.1 for this post:
  • bertylingodave, cancunia
So, it has been over a year.

The temporary fix is still holding and works well. When cold i do have to wait a few minutes bofore i set off or if i come off the accelerator at a junction the engine does cut out. It fire immediately but it is a pain.
When warmed up there are no issues.

I have had the rebuild kit to hand for a while now so will do that this winter.
It's a 2001 1.9d with 322,500 k on the clock.

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