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Hi there 
Just purchased a 2017 van and it has the wooden bulkhead which i dont like ,No theres a few 2018  steel ones on fleabay so im wondering if theres any difference in the size
Not if the body is the same. 2018 is the end of the B9 but also the start of the K9 so make sure it's from a 2008-2018 vehicle and you will be fine.
Not a Citroen!
2017 B9 1.6 BlueHDi Van
2012 B9 1.6 HDi Van
2008 M59 1.6 HDi Van
2003 M59 1.9D Van
(01-07-2023, 07:11 AM)Zion Wrote:  Not if the body is the same. 2018 is the end of the B9 but also the start of the K9 so make sure it's from a 2008-2018 vehicle and you will be fine.

On this subject, if i remove a bulkhead from a van, such as a Dispatch (thinking of buying one), would the van remain stable or go all wobbly?

In other vans (especially Transit) I have needed to get the seat further back than the bulkhead allows. Get jiggy!
53 1.4i MS MPV RIP
53 1.6 MS Desire RIP
08 C4GP 1.9 VTR+
The bulkhead on a Berlingo Van is not a structural part, so it shouldn't get wobbly. Not unless there's something seriously wrong with it anyways.
The Dispatch(Known as the Jumpy on the mainland) is also available as a mini-bus, which also doesn't have a bulkhead, so odds are that it's not needed for structural integrity on that, either...

I'm 6'4", and I have plenty of room in my B9 without messing with the bulkhead. Try one!

Also, I don't know UK law, but here in Norway, removing the bulkhead would reclassify it as a car.
Then again, there's quite a few older Porshes driving around here registered as Vans.
(Once upon a time, at it needed was removal of the rear seats and installing a wall behind the front seats. So people bough used Porsches in Germany, thgrew out the rear seats, then drove them through Denmark, and on the ferry over to Norway they broke up a phone kiosk for the plexiglass plates, and bolted those in... Rules were changed... )

Incidentally, asking another question in someone else's thread is 'thread hijacking'.
People who has already read(and possibly answered) the original poster's question and initial answers may decide that they have nothing further to contribute to the discussion, and will ignore futher posts in that thread. That lessens the chances of you getting good answers from other forumites, and pulling the attention away from the original poster's question at the same time.
Thankyou very much Gadgetman, reassuring advice. I bitterly regret 'up'grading from my M59s to a C4GP, and if I didn't need a large payload for a back garden renovation (including shed, fence and trees) I would certainly be heading for a B9, or a K9 if it is similar in size. I have test-driven B9s and agree with you on their roominess, and I'm 1.97m. Getting into my C4 makes me feel like a gymnast, but only Houdini can get out of it.

Didn't mean to hijack; sometimes forums seem like genuine (verbal) conversations. I must learn to abide by the rules. This guy's threads should be hijacked:

[Image: Stand_and_Deliver_-_single.jpg]
53 1.4i MS MPV RIP
53 1.6 MS Desire RIP
08 C4GP 1.9 VTR+

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