25-11-2023, 10:17 AM
Wondered if possible to intergrate the relevant specific models into their own designation. I.e. sections parts, berlingoes for sale, wanted, parts for sale, to be put into their respective designations. So everything B9 is under the B9 section. Everything under the M49, M59, K9 to under their designations and so on. It would save having to trawl through every post in say for sale to find B9 stuff, K9 stuff etc. Each section would be Everything M49. Everything M59. Everthing B9. And everything K9. Then when clicked on the respective section are all the designations relating to that model...?
Wondered if possible to intergrate the relevant specific models into their own designation. I.e. sections parts, berlingoes for sale, wanted, parts for sale, to be put into their respective designations. So everything B9 is under the B9 section. Everything under the M49, M59, K9 to under their designations and so on. It would save having to trawl through every post in say for sale to find B9 stuff, K9 stuff etc. Each section would be Everything M49. Everything M59. Everthing B9. And everything K9. Then when clicked on the respective section are all the designations relating to that model...?