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[Engine] 2015 Berlingo (car) issue. Clutch possibly gone?
Hello all,

I spoke with her yesterday and she reported that her Berlingo was "revving" and had no power. I went to have a look and cars really aren't my thing (which is why I'm here, looking for people way smarter in this field than I). It drove (albeit) very poorly. I think the "revving" she was reporting almost seems like the clutch slipping or just altogether failing?

Eg, without any real momentum, so like pulling into a side road at 90 degrees, there seemed to be literally NO power at all and in the lower gears the RPM seemed to jump by about 1000 (instantly, but without any power) this could happen with your foot gently rested on the gas in order to keep a steady speed, or upon depressing in order to gain speed.

Obviously I did not want to stress the car anymore than it already was, BUT after opening the bonnet the whole engine was very hot (oil level fine, coolant levels fine, and reported temps are all fine) but there was a new smell, and it was the wonderful unmistakeable smell of burnt rubber/clutch that lingers forever!

She went to look at it this morning and I thought I'd test my theory about the clutch. Put the car into first and slowly lifted the clutch.. more and more.. nothing. No power, until finally the car is sat in first gear with the clutch fully up and no sign of the RPM changing or the slightest sign of it needing to stall :/

It'll need to go into someone to look at it obviously.

No codes on reader, no lights.

Any thoughts/rough cost on replacement (if even remotely diagnosable via this post). 

You'll have to forgive my ignorance, tech is my field, not cars, and whilst willing to learn I'm very much a novice.

Appreciate any input on this one.

Thank you.
(11-06-2024, 10:52 AM)krs360 Wrote:  Hello all,

I spoke with her yesterday and she reported that her Berlingo was "revving" and had no power. I went to have a look and cars really aren't my thing (which is why I'm here, looking for people way smarter in this field than I). It drove (albeit) very poorly. I think the "revving" she was reporting almost seems like the clutch slipping or just altogether failing?

Eg, without any real momentum, so like pulling into a side road at 90 degrees, there seemed to be literally NO power at all and in the lower gears the RPM seemed to jump by about 1000 (instantly, but without any power) this could happen with your foot gently rested on the gas in order to keep a steady speed, or upon depressing in order to gain speed.

Obviously I did not want to stress the car anymore than it already was, BUT after opening the bonnet the whole engine was very hot (oil level fine, coolant levels fine, and reported temps are all fine) but there was a new smell, and it was the wonderful unmistakeable smell of burnt rubber/clutch that lingers forever!

She went to look at it this morning and I thought I'd test my theory about the clutch. Put the car into first and slowly lifted the clutch.. more and more.. nothing. No power, until finally the car is sat in first gear with the clutch fully up and no sign of the RPM changing or the slightest sign of it needing to stall :/

It'll need to go into someone to look at it obviously.

No codes on reader, no lights.

Any thoughts/rough cost on replacement (if even remotely diagnosable via this post). 

You'll have to forgive my ignorance, tech is my field, not cars, and whilst willing to learn I'm very much a novice.

Appreciate any input on this one.

Thank you.

I was going to post a similar query myself. My 2014 Multispace Airdream 90 Auto sometimes fails to respond quickly when the gas pedal is depressed, as when accelerating from stationary at a roundabout or road junction when you need to move fast. I am thinking this might be a clutch problem as another driver of this car does give it a lot of sudden wellie when joining a main road with fast moving traffic. Or might it be a fuel injector which other folk have written about on here?
If it has that signature stench of burning metallicy plasticy smell plus going nowhere when its in gear... it's probably a toasted clutch. As for cost I got a quote from Mr Clutch last year for round £800 which made me cringe so I ended up doing it DIY and it was a royal pain in the behind without proper tools it ended up me dropping the transmission on my chest (failing to bench press 60kg of gearbox wasn't my proudest moment!)
The OP is probably a clutch, probably £1000-£1500 from any garage that's done one before, and a monumental pain in the backside to DIY.

The other one - it's that weird "auto" that Citroen use, which is really an automated manual. I'd be reluctant to blame the clutch straight away as there's so many other things that could be the problem.

It's probably not injectors.

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