26-07-2012, 12:23 AM
Soo here's the thing I have a 2.0 hdi berlingo panel van she just been serviced and going great no boller at all with her theres only 77000 miles on it.. I got it steam cleaned for the psv grand until I drove too the house then she died out and wouldn't start.. Macanic was called out and every connector plug was dryied, the air box had no water in it eaither.. Tried and Didn start noticed small air bubbles in the desial line coming from the fuel filter soo primed her and she fired idleing perfect and driving great until I got too the bottom of the road where she cut out and on a couple of times and wouldn't start again.. It was hooked too the computer and nothing was found for ages then the crank shaft seancer changed it and started grand but when revd too around 3000rpm shed drop the power too 1000 rpm n soo on.. Changed the cam sensor then and she was running sweet until a hill where she'd loss the power and die. Now the computers saying ecu and bsi. But she's still a tiny bit air