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Key Pad Green and Red lamps on together

I am having problems entering my key code Berlingo Mk1 1.9d. The van has been off the road for 6 months and the battery wnet flat. Fitted new battery and starter motor. When I turn on the ignition both the red and green key pad lights come on together and wont accept any code. I have been through the manual and done the resetting procedure for when a code is entered incorrectly 3 times but still the same. tried disconnecting the battery and reconnecting but nothing has worked. I have wired the fuel pump direct to the battery and the engine will then start. I have removed and cleaned the large round wiring plug under the battery and cleaned the ignition switch.

I phoned the citreon dealer and he said it could not be fixed.

Has anyone got a solution or should i just wire up the fuel pump directly to the battery with a fuse and switch inside the car so I can turn the engine on and off.

Any ideas would be appreciated.Confusedtudy:
Is this an after-market immobilizer/alarm? I have a 2006 Berlingo and the remote unit has no LEDs
and I can't recall having heard of this problem before. What the Citroen dealer may have
meant was that he wouldn't be able to fix an after-market immobilizer/alarm system
You say you've used the manual's reset procedure.....Which manual?
Sounds like a job for a savvy auto-electrician.

BTW welcome!
The Older I get the Better I Was!  Cool
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Ol'Jeffers for this post:
  • doctormartin
(31-01-2013, 07:34 PM)OlJeffers Wrote:  Is this an after-market immobilizer/alarm? I have a 2006 Berlingo and the remote unit has no LEDs
and I can't recall having heard of this problem before. What the Citroen dealer may have
meant was that he wouldn't be able to fix an after-market immobilizer/alarm system
You say you've used the manual's reset procedure.....Which manual?
Sounds like a job for a savvy auto-electrician.

BTW welcome!

Thank you for your welcome.. The manual I read was the user manual. The key pad is the original as supplied. I bought the van from new and it was fitted with all the alarm, imobiliser and dead locks, I beleive some of the security features were optional extras. But nevertheless it was fitted by citreon at the factory. I think what the dealer meant was that the cost of fixing would be prohibitive.
In a petrol car, this usually means that the ignition amplifier (ignition control module) has died.

In a diesel, possibly something under the pump armour has expired. The immobiliser is being locked against starting because the data fed back to it doesn't tally with expectations.

A Lexia may offer some input - can you get someone to scan it for you?
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to addo for this post:
  • doctormartin, ron
My sister had a Saxo with the keypad and it was never changed from 1111. Has the memory lost the number and needs recoding or something ?
So where does this bit go then ?
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to ffrenchie for this post:
  • doctormartin
That is a possibility the code has defaulted. However with the red and green lamps lit as soon as you turn on the ignition it seems as though something has locked out. I have tried my code and the 1111 but with no effect on the lamps. I have had this in the past when I entered the code wrong 3 times, You just have to wait 30 minutes and then it resets itself. I think it most likely the computer has been corrupted but I was hoping there was an easy fix as citreon charges are out of the question.
There's a bloke who is on either the 106 or Saxo forums - can't remember his name - but he'll unlock most ECUs for £50.

That said, I still am not confident it's an ECU fault given what causes this situation on a petrol car. A not-unlocked state is indicated by the immobiliser red light staying lit - no green present.
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to addo for this post:
  • doctormartin, ron
[quote='doctormartin' pid='35719' dateline='1359659990']

Problem now solved. I have no clear Idea how I was able to effect a repair but it is now working exactly as it should. To sumarise, the van had stood for 6 months, the battery went completely flat, fitted new battery but the key code pad no longer worked the red and green stayed on all the time.
Disconnected the battery reconnected and tried again still no good. Concluded the computer was now faulty and ran a wire from the battery to the square 4 wire plug on the fuel pump top rear connection and the engine started but would not turn off on the key as expected. Once started I disconnected the key pad wiring block from the back of the key pad, turned off the engine by removing the wire from the battery I had fitted but it still did not start with the key. Reconnected the key pad wiring. Reconnected my new wire to the battery and it started again. I disconnected the battery and fitted a permanent wire with a switch in the cockpit so I could turn the fuel pump solenoid stop valve on and off. When the mod was completed the engine would not start. So back to square one. I did some more reading on the forum and realised I had not followed the correct procedure for removing and re-fitting the battery so I went through the correct procedure which I understood resets the computer and tried again with and without my new switched power wire but this seemed to have no effect. Read last night in the handbook that under the hood on the bulkhead by the battery there was a fuel safety cut off switch. This morning I pushed the reset button and heard a click, I turned on my power switch to the solenoid turned on the ignition and I had 1 red light on the key pad, put in my code and now i had 1 green light turned the key and away it went. I turned off my power switch and the engine stayed running, turned off the ignition key and the engine stopped. I left my power switch off and now it accepts the key code and starts as it should.

The conclusion I have come to is that I created the initial problem by not disconnecting and reconnecting the battery with the correct procedure and had I have done so I would not have found any problems. There is an outside chance that powering up the solenoid had an initialising affect somehow so this cannot be discounted altogether but is probably unlikely. So if any others experience similar problems withe imobiliser/key pad then carry out the battery disconnect/reconnect procedure first and make sure the safety cutout switch has not been activated.


I am having problems entering my key code Berlingo Mk1 1.9d. The van has been off the road for 6 months and the battery wnet flat. Fitted new battery and starter motor. When I turn on the ignition both the red and green key pad lights come on together and wont accept any code. I have been through the manual and done the resetting procedure for when a code is entered incorrectly 3 times but still the same. tried disconnecting the battery and reconnecting but nothing has worked. I have wired the fuel pump direct to the battery and the engine will then start. I have removed and cleaned the large round wiring plug under the battery and cleaned the ignition switch.

I phoned the citreon dealer and he said it could not be fixed.

Has anyone got a solution or should i just wire up the fuel pump directly to the battery with a fuse and switch inside the car so I can turn the engine on and off.

Any ideas would be appreciated.Confusedtudy:
I think that many of us who are now familiar with the BSI reset procedure
made a similar mistake not realising that the software has to be shut down
in the correct way. When I first got mine I fitted some Stebel horns and when
I completed the job the wipers would not switch off!
Glad you got it sorted out!
However you have had a object lesson in just how much your Citroen dealer knows about the
vehicles he sells!! Couldn't be bothered to do it more likely!
The Older I get the Better I Was!  Cool
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Ol'Jeffers for this post:
  • ron
I am glad you have solved the problem.My son,who is in the black art of I.T. always chides me with RTFM.(translation on request):lol:
Strawberry flavoured windows  Dodgy

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