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Cold starting problems
Hi, I've just found the forum and need a little help!

I have a mk2 Berlingo van from 2002 with the 1.9 DW engine. The van's done 123000 miles and has run well for the last 6 months I've owned it. Recently, and very abruptly, It's started to struggle when starting first thing in the morning. Once started it starts and runs well all day until the next morning when the problem starts again. The van started well about three weeks ago when it turned over a few more times and began to struggle starting. At first it was just a little longer before starting and now it's needing the glow plugs heating twice and still turns over for about 30 secs before bursting into life.

I've changed the battery for a better one I had lying around from another van I sold but it hasn't changed anything. I figured the next step would be to change the glow plugs, I bought some today but when I tried to fit them, they're obscured by what I guess is the air inlet manifold. It looks a bit of a faf to take off. I'm I ok to just unscrew it or will it need new gaskets and clips?

failing the plugs, any other ideas?

Thanks in advance!
Really sounds like just the plugs to me. Had a similar issues a few years back with the same engine i believe. Changing them should solve your problems hopefully!

Im sure someone will know how to change them on here, but i do not as i didnt do it myself.

Good luck.
I have exactly the same problem with a 1.9d Multispace. It got difficult to start last winter so I replaced the glow plugs which made no difference. This mornign I have been looking at it and using a 12v test lamp I can see that there is power going to the plugs which is staying on for 30 seconds after the light goes out on the dash which seems to be correct for the current temperature according to the Haynes manual. Once it does start (yesterday and today I ended up bump starting it, fortunately we live on a hill) it is lumpy for quite a while.

Next thing is to change the fuel filter and put some injector cleaner through it and see if that helps but any thoughts welcome!
I got it sorted when I changed the plugs. It's the newer engine so I had to remove the inlet manifold and the egf valve.

While I was looking for other problems on the net I came across another forum where a member had similar problems to you, It turned out to be a leak in a fueling pipe causing too much air to mix. Supposed to be fairly common apparently.
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Thanks for the update Seb.
The berlingo need between 3 to 4 good glowplugs otherwise it will have starting problems??
so first is check the glowplugs
also the glowplug relay hidden behind the front headlamp is a known weak point the can burn out one of the connectors on the glowplug relay box (Happened to me!)
If you can't start a trick is with a length of 2.5mm cable between the battery plus and the glowplug feed connector and end of cylinder block hold on for 30 seconds and as this bypasses the glowplugs relay the glowplugs will heat up and start the engine (30 secs is enough time the plugs will get hot very quick and its a large drain on the battery) if it dosen't start then you have one or more bad glowplugs
So in winter carry 1 metre of cable in the boot of car ;-) as a get you home
(31-10-2010, 01:52 PM)andyps Wrote:  I have exactly the same problem with a 1.9d Multispace. It got difficult to start last winter so I replaced the glow plugs which made no difference. This mornign I have been looking at it and using a 12v test lamp I can see that there is power going to the plugs which is staying on for 30 seconds after the light goes out on the dash which seems to be correct for the current temperature according to the Haynes manual. Once it does start (yesterday and today I ended up bump starting it, fortunately we live on a hill) it is lumpy for quite a while.

Next thing is to change the fuel filter and put some injector cleaner through it and see if that helps but any thoughts welcome!

Hi your starting problems will be the glow glow plus in this really cold weather even one of the plugs not working can stop a diesel engine starting especially if the battery is not very good.
The light on the dash going out does not mean the glow plugs are working and if they are gettig power wich your test light shows still does not mean the plugs are working.(even testing them with a meter is no sure way to know they are ok.I have seen glow plugs read ok with a meter but not actully working and had new ones out of the box that are faulty.) The only way to be sure is to take them out and connect them across a battery and see if they start to glow! ( Doesn't matter what end goes which terminal but use a thick piece of wire such as the cable that connects the plugs together.)They should start to glow after about 10 to 20 seconds or sooner.
hope this helps!Wink
You sound knowledgeable Vikingali, welcome to the forum.
Hi Guys.
"Cool weather" in UK. What is it and how much Celsius grads should be on a thermometer?
It was -15 on wed night -7 tonight

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