06-01-2014, 11:49 AM
I disabled the EGR on my 1.9DW yesterday. All I did was to disconnect the two pipes going to the choke flap type thingy in the air intake where the pipe from the exhaust comes in (and the engine breather) and sealed up the pipes with cable ties. I removed the plastic manifold and cleaned that out. I didn't touch the metal inlet manifold as I was afraid of dropping crud down into the engine.
It doesn't seem to have made much difference to the running. Maybe a little more responsive at half throttle but full throttle seems to be less responsive if anything. Should I have disconnected the supply to the choke valve motor? Also should I have blanked the exhaust gas inlet? I noticed there were still fumes coming up there even with the pipes disconnected.
It doesn't seem to have made much difference to the running. Maybe a little more responsive at half throttle but full throttle seems to be less responsive if anything. Should I have disconnected the supply to the choke valve motor? Also should I have blanked the exhaust gas inlet? I noticed there were still fumes coming up there even with the pipes disconnected.
Stupid computer!
Security system should not fail safe!
Security system should fail dangerous!
Stupid computer!
Security system should not fail safe!
Security system should fail dangerous!