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Start up problem 2.0 HDi 56 reg

first time posting. I am not very mechanically minded, so please excuse my silly terminology.....

I have a problem with my 56 plate 2.0HDi Berlingo starting up. It runs well, when it is going, but it has issues getting started. When running it has pleanty of poke and is great. It's done 120,000 miles and is a great little runner.

I first noticed a problem a few weeks ago when i had trouble with the van pulling in lower gears, it was very slow to accelerate, and felt like it was lacking power. This was off and on for a week or two, but culminated in my current problem, where it will not kick in when turned over. After changing the air filter the van has it's poke back, but the start up problem is worse than ever.

The engine turns over fine, but it will not kick in. If i keep pumping the gas, or keep my foot on the floor it wants to start but grumbles a bit and cuts straight out.... After a couple of tries and foot pumping it eventually kicks in, but sounds very unhealthy and the exhaust makes a terrible papping sound. If i rev it up, it will eventually throttle up and revs well. Then at this point the engine kind of rattles as it tries to keep from cutting out, but it stays on. Something else to note is the smell is very metallic and the exhaust fumes are heavy and grey/white. There is also some small smoke coming from the back of the engine bay, by the EGR/manifold area.

If i instantly drive off it will drive perfectly, like there is no problem at all. When i stop and restart straight away it starts fine. But when left for a bit the engine will not start again, and the problem seems worse. I had to wait for an hour the other day trying every 10 mins to start.

In my novice attempts to fix the issue, i have changed the air filter, and also ordered a new fuel filter, as i thought it may be blocked? I was told it may be the EGR playing up and to block it off with a blanking plate. All of which have tried and have not cured the issue. The manual pump for the fuel is solid and tight, so i think the fuel flow is ok?

It seems like a simple thing that needs replacing. Like maybe an injector, coil or glow plug? it seems as something is blocked or not firing up. But i really don't know what to try next.

I am trying to save a costly trip to the garage, any one have any similar issues or thoughts?


Hello Mobsta welcome to the forum Two things come to mind glow plug or plug's fault and valve clearance mite have closed up leaving the valve or valve's slightly open leading to low compression and bad cold starting have you got any lights staying on on the dash
                                     Smile  It's too orangey for crow's It's just for me and my dog  Smile

                                                        Heart Heart Love a lot trust a few  Dodgy

Time to change the fuel filter??....
The Older I get the Better I Was!  Cool
(26-02-2014, 10:58 PM)Jed Clampit Wrote:  Hello Mobsta welcome to the forum Two things come to mind glow plug or plug's fault and valve clearance mite have closed up leaving the valve or valve's slightly open leading to low compression and bad cold starting have you got any lights staying on on the dash

Hydraulic valves on the 2.0 HDi Jed.Confusedalut:
Strawberry flavoured windows  Dodgy
The problem will almost certainly be an injector. This is confirmed by u saying it is difficult to start if you leave it for a little while.
HDI engines don't require glow plugs unless the temp gets down to -4, so it may start a little smokey etc, but not have all the issues that you mention, and as said, the hdi valve clearances are hydraulically adjusted, so not these either.
To check the injectors, you will need to carry out a diesel leak off test.
This involves fitting an individual pipe to each injector leak off, and running the engine for a short while.
Usually there will be one injector "leaking off" a fair bit more fuel than the others. This is a good one to start replacing.
Trouble is, most berlingos seem to have Seimens injectors, and these are expensive Sad

Here is a link to a vid on YouTube of how to do the job, it's quite simple
(27-02-2014, 07:26 PM)ron Wrote:  
(26-02-2014, 10:58 PM)Jed Clampit Wrote:  Hello Mobsta welcome to the forum Two things come to mind glow plug or plug's fault and valve clearance mite have closed up leaving the valve or valve's slightly open leading to low compression and bad cold starting have you got any lights staying on on the dash

Hydraulic valves on the 2.0 HDi Jed.Confusedalut:
Confusedillyme: Confusedtudy: Must pay more attention
                                     Smile  It's too orangey for crow's It's just for me and my dog  Smile

                                                        Heart Heart Love a lot trust a few  Dodgy

(26-02-2014, 09:36 PM)Mobsta17 Wrote:  The engine turns over fine, but it will not kick in. If i keep pumping the gas, or keep my foot on the floor it wants to start but grumbles a bit and cuts straight out.... After a couple of tries and foot pumping it eventually kicks in, but sounds very unhealthy and the exhaust makes a terrible papping sound. If i rev it up, it will eventually throttle up and revs well.

Never touch the pedal on start up from cold or hot, most likely that is what is causing all your problems. It should tell you this in the instructions if you have them. My glow plugs kick in a 2°c. If you use the pedal you are throwing too much diesel into the cold cylinder and it will sit on top of the piston till it gets warm enough to burn off making clouds of smoke and the "papping" exhaust you mention. Diesels don't work like petrol where pumping the pedal can help and the fuel is more combustible.
So where does this bit go then ?

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