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Retro Fit Cruise Control
I've done a search for Cruise Control and read all the various threads but cannot find a definitive answer to my issue

I've bought the Cruise Control Stalk and fitted it, got a Lexia 3 and have enabled it in the ECU and BSI

I can turn it on and it appears in the display, but when I set it to start I get a 'Cruise Control Impossible' error on the display on top of the dashboard

I'm reading the error as "It is impossible for the Cruise Control to work because I'm missing a part for it to work"

After reading various threads, there is a mention of a clutch switch and a brake switch

My Berlingo is a 10reg 110 XTR and I don't know if these switches are fitted, so I will check them tomorrow

My question is about the brake switch
There are some suggestions that there is a 'main' and 'secondary' brake switch
Is this a simple case of YES, there are two separate switches, or is it a case of the standard switch is 2 cables and need to be changed for one with 4 cables meaning the 'main' and 'secondary' switches are now housed in one switch
Some threads refer to a dual contact type switch

I assume that the car has already got a brake switch to activate the brake lights, so does this need to be changed for a different type of switch that does the brake lights and the cruise control, or is there a 'secondary' switch the needs to be fitted along side the standard brake light switch

I'll find out what I've got tomorrow, but if anybody can clarify the situation with the brake switch(s), I would be grateful
Ignore my first post because I was driving to work this morning and it started working

So result

Cruise Control is working perfectly

Must have just needed a period of inactivity to set itself
How big a job is it to retro fit the stalk?? I've been thinking about adding cruise control as well..
2010 Berlingo Multispace HDi 110 with FAP.  Persamos green.

Have a look at Good guide there.

2012 Iron Grey XTR 110 with lots of bits and bobs.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Trevor for this post:
  • 3rensho
(27-03-2014, 04:11 PM)3rensho Wrote:  How big a job is it to retro fit the stalk?? I've been thinking about adding cruise control as well..

Fitting the stalk is a simple operation
1. Buy stalk (either used from ebay or new from dealer)
2. need to cut out a piece out of the lower steering column cowling for the new stalk

The problem is programming the ECU and BSI to turn it on by using Diagbox with Lexia
This you can do by paying a main dealer to do it for you or if you have access to Lexia, you can do it yourself

The programming instructions in the guide that Trevor refers to bore no resemblance to what I could see on my laptop, so I spent a couple of evenings looking into everything to find what I needed to do

In the end it was a simple 5 minute job after I'd found which section I needed

If you have access to a Lexia and Diagbox, I can let you know the steps I had to make in Diagbox
(27-03-2014, 04:11 PM)3rensho Wrote:  How big a job is it to retro fit the stalk?? I've been thinking about adding cruise control as well..

Sorry 3rensho, just realised that you've got a Lexia and Diagbox from a previous thread

I've take some pictures and screenshots over the next few days of diagbox to show how easy it is when you know where to go

In Diagbox, there are two settings to set
1. In the Engine ECU
2. In the BSI

I was able to set the Cruise Control to Active in the BSI, but it just would not set in the ECU
After a lot of trying again and again, I started to look else where
I eventually found an area about something to do with dealer Pre-delivery (can't remember the extact text) and in this section is an area called Accessories
In Accessories, there was a section on Cruise Control
This section asks you to initialise cruise control and it asks for the cars RPO number
Once this is initialised, it should automatically set the BSI and Engine ECU sections to Valid

Like I said, I'll take some screenshots and notes from Diagbox for you
[-] The following 2 users say Thank You to ntm1275 for this post:
  • 3rensho, addo
Many thanks for your input. Really appreciate you taking the time. Will give it a go this spring.
2010 Berlingo Multispace HDi 110 with FAP.  Persamos green.

the local dealer says you just plug the stalk in and that's it
(28-03-2014, 06:55 PM)fishynuts Wrote:  the local dealer says you just plug the stalk in and that's it

No tried that first and didn't work

When you access the BSI and ECU via Diagbox, both options are set to 'inactive' - it's only when these options are both set to 'active' will the cruise control work

I've taken some screenshots of the cruise control activation sequence in Diagbox and here is the result in PDF format

When I have a spare hour or so, I'll take the switch off and take pictures of the stalk fitting sequence and add the whole lot to the 'How To' section

.pdf   Cruise Control Activation with Diagbox.pdf (Size: 334.16 KB / Downloads: 839)
[-] The following 4 users say Thank You to ntm1275 for this post:
  • 3rensho, Bella, fishynuts, Trevor
Good work ntm Confusedalut:
                                     Smile  It's too orangey for crow's It's just for me and my dog  Smile

                                                        Heart Heart Love a lot trust a few  Dodgy


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