30-03-2014, 04:42 PM
I bought a Berlingo van about a year ago, didnt realise the airbag warning light had a bit of black tape over it (to hide the fact it was flashing!), the mot tester noticed it so I'm having to solve it as now a failure item. Ive got an Autoliv 550 89 7200 airbag ecu. It has 3 input/outputs - the passenger seatbelt tensioner,drivers seatbelt tensioner and the airbag. Ive disconnected all 3 devices (actually airbag was already disconnected, I thought this would be the problem fixed) and replaced with 2.5 ohm resistors to fake out the ecu but the warning light still flashes. I assume that this car must have had a prang, so next step is to reset the ecu. My options so far - buy a used one on ebay for £20, send it off on ebay for a reset for about £24, go to citroen garage. Is there anyway I can prove my ecu needs resetting, what do you recommend I do with it - can I do it myself with software? I believe its something to do with eprom being reprogrammed to remove crash data. What a palaver - Mike